Chapter 9: Home sweet Home

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(still between the conversation with mr.obviously-not-captain- Bones and the boiz. d r a c a a l e r t-)

(just a reminder):

-unknown :>
-Sound effect boi Evan


"You heard me.Would you like to be secret agents?"

"Woah,woah,woah.First of all,We don't know you well.Second,we are NOT trained to do these things.And lastly,we are only teenage students.Period."

"Right.Im the captain of the agency.The leader.The boss.You will be trained to fight and use weapons such as guns and swords.You can still go to school.When are you ending the school year?"

"This week on Saturday.We're having a year end party to end it.Why?"

"Hm.I'm giving you the rest of the week to think about it.That's 4 days.If you agree,you will fight with the other agents for who knows how long.I only need you guys to be permanent agents.Its only in the summer.Until we defeat an old enemy."

"You will also be payed with a big amount of money for helping.About 5,000 worth of cash each every week.Is that enough?Well,depends if you're actually joining the team."

"Um....we'll think about it."

"Who is this "old enemy" you're talking about anyway?"

"A girl named Lovendie.She uses her "love bow" and arrows to make people fall in love in a BAD way.Like an anti-cupid.She says its to "make the world a better place".Two of my agents lost her in the first place.Now,she's back.Back to shoot her arrows around our city with a new army.That's why we need your help."

"Wow...that's alot to take."

"Hm.I guess so.I'll tell you a little more information if you ever join.I need to go."

"Okay.It was 'nice' to meet you."

"I sense sarcasm.But bye."

"Bye" "Bye" "Bye"

[Call Ended]


What just happened...?
"So...uh...I have to go home.Its late."
Alec said awkwardly.He's right though.Its pretty dark outside."Yeah,me too.We should just keep these.I think we might need them one day."
Evan said as he took the card from the table.Alec took his and mine was just on the table."Well,maybe we should say goodbye to Funneh and Gold.They're leaving tomorrow morning."
I suggested.They nodded.I got up from my seat and we walked to the girl's dorm.

We reached their dorm.I knocked on the door about 3 times until Gold opened the door.I got to see a little on what's inside the dorm.The living room didn't even look like a living room.Some of the furniture were covered in white thin sheets.Wooden crates were piled up in a corner.
'They must have been packing up the whole day.' I thought."Oh,hey guys!
What brings you here?"She greeted with a smile."We just wanted to say goodbye to you and Funneh before you go back to Canada."Alec pointed out."Aww...we'll miss you guys so much!But it'll only be for the whole summer."She replies."Hey,where is Funneh anyway?"I asked."She's up in her room packing her luggage." She pointed up the ceiling."Well,tell her we came by."Evan said."Of course.And remember to send me photos from the year end party coming on Saturday!"She said with glee in her eyes.Her beautiful golden eyes-

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