Chapter 12: We Cool Now?

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Just great.The car is out,I'm stuck in the middle of who-knows-where,and I had to be stuck here with two dorks.
Dorks that I'm friends with.

Kyran's panicking and being a baby.Evan is just groaning in annoyance.And me;sitting there like a clueless strawberry.

"What are we gonna do?!"

"Now we can't go to the party!"


"I might as well yeet myself out this window now."

I just ignored the noise and tried to stay calm."I'll go look for help."I said and got out the car.We're stuck in the middle of the road.Pretty much nobody was there.No people,no vehicles,nothing.It was just us.I could see the ocean from here."Hello?Is anyone there?We need help!"I called out.Nothing.No one was out there.

I got back in the car."We really are stuck here.We're stranded."I sighed.
"W-what do we do n-n-now?!"Kyran stutters."Nothing we can do,bud."
Evan replied and pat Kyran's shoulder."C'mon,let's go look for help.Maybe there is someone out there."He added.

We all got out the car and walked around the area.Not a single vehicle passed by us.The road was clear and wide.Trees surrounded us."HELP US!"
Kyran yelled.Why.I looked around left and right.No one was there.Nothing.

"Hello?Anyone need help?"

Someone called.Finally!

"Uh—Yes!We need some help here!"Evan called out.

»Time Skip»

We got some help and the car is being filled up with gas."Aw man!We couldn't attend the party.It's probably almost over now."Evan whined."Yeah.This sucks!"Kyran added and kicked a pebble to the side.We sat down on the sidewalk and just watched the sun set slowly.It was a little uncomfortable to sit there but I didn't really care.

"What do you think Funneh and Gold are doing right now?"Evan asks out of curiosity.

"I don't know.Hey,maybe we should call them."Kyran suggests.Not a bad idea.He takes his phone out of his pocket and tapped on the screen a few times before the phone started ringing.


Me,Gold,and Draco were in the training room.Draco just came with us for support.We've been kicking and punching stuff for about 20 minutes now."Hi-YAH!!"Gold yelled and knocked off the training dummy."Phew!Nailed it!"She said panting at the same time.I heard some ringing.It was just my phone.

" can keep training or something.Im gonna take this call."I exclaimed.

(seriously,my vocabulary is weak :/)

She nodded."Gold,FIGHT MEE!"Draco insisted.Gold smirked.Then they began their playful war. (wait what?)

I grabbed my phone and pressed the green button.

-Gold and Draco being background noises


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