Chapter 4: 5 Million

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As quickly as I could,I kicked him in the leg.


I looked at him in shock.

it was Evan.

"OH MY GOSH,Evan Im so so sorry!"
I crouched down to help.Funneh was shocked.Kyran went to call for help.
"Ow!wh-why did you kick me??!"he was on the floor.His arms wrapped around his right leg."S-sorry!I thought some stranger was following us!Uhh...Sorry!"

"Kyran,Hurry!!" I heard Funneh yell.
After a while,Kyran finally came back with the school nurse and a teacher behind him.

(I just a school nurse-)

"He'll be better soon,no worries!"
the nurse said.We thanked her as she left the room.

I looked at Evan who was sitting on some kind of bed."Hey,Ev Im really sorry for kicking you earlier!I didn't know-" He cut me off. "Its okay Gold.
You didn't mean to.Besides,Im getting a little better now."

I nodded."Wait a second..." he trailed off. "How did you kick me so hard?Its like you were so alert." He questionend.Oh great.Just great.
How am I supposed to explain that.
"Uh..I heard footsteps behind us.I thought someone was following us.Then when you put a hand on my shoulder,I had the guts to fight back.So yeah." I lied

He raised an eyebrow.I saw Funneh looking worried in the corner.She was looking at me while shaking her head
slowly.Worried not because Evan is injured but because he might think we're acting really suspicious.He might know about our secret.
He shrugged and looked at his hurting leg."Hey, what about class?" Kyran asks."The nurse told the teachers about this.So we'll be excused for our absence in 2 classes." Funneh explained.I sighed in relief.

There was silence.No one spoke a word.That was until Evan said something."I heard you guys are going back to Canada." he said sadly.
"Yeah...we are." Funneh replied."Why though?" he asked and looked to his left side where Funneh was standing.
She bit her lip."Its..important.We're being needed back there." She reasoned.Evan nodded and looked back at me and Kyran.I saw Funneh sigh.The door made a creaking sound and caught our attention.The nurse came back with a clipboard in her hand."You are free to go now,dear."
she said.Evan slowly got up.His leg was better now.We got out the room and thanked the nurse again.


I was behind the school with Yandere.
She said she needed me to do another task.I didn't want to...but I have to for the sake of my family.

"What do you want now?" I asked with annoyance in my voice."I need you to hack into the security cameras of the store we stole the snowmobile from."

(was it a snowmobile??)

"They caught us."her cold stern voice never changed,huh?
"You mean they caught you" murmured."What was that?"she asked and crossed her arms."nothing."
I rolled my eyes."Huh.Keeping secrets I see?It'd be a shame if some people find out about it."she threatened.

I knew what she ment.She wouldn't dare tell them.I sighed."I'll do it."

She grinned."Good.Now,run along.Your little friends might be waiting for you or something."

I went back inside the building.Its almost time for the lunch period,actually.Most halls were empty since everyone was in class.And then there's me; walking through the hallways,and not in class because of the stupid and senpai-obsessed Yandere.Great excuse.


The bell rang.The doors opened and students came running out of their classrooms.I just acted casual so no one would think I skipped class.

I passed by some busy halls and went to my locker.From the corner of my eye were 4 moving figures.The first thing I saw was the color blue.
"Hey Alec!"a familiar voice called,not far away.I turned to see Funneh and the others."Oh,hey guys.What's up?"
"We were just on our way to the cafeteria.You wanna come?"Kyran asked.I didn't always go to the cafeteria because of Yandere's plans.
But that doesn't make me hungry.Sometimes I'd be there but I'll always be in the corner,eating alone by myself."Uh..sure." I accepted his offer.

I'm not that used to being outside the dark corners of the cafeteria.Having company was alright.It was nice actually."You know, we're gonna miss you guys so much!"Gold softly smiled.
Right...they're leaving."When are you going back to Canada?" I asked.
"Thursday."Funneh sighed.That's a three days away."Why don't we hang out tomorrow?All of us." Kyran suggested.It wasn't a bad idea actually.
"Yeah,sure!Tomorrow.After school."
Funneh nodded."Where though?" Evan asks.Oh...he's coming too.Im
still a little...not so...close to Evan.I still dislike him.Not that much."Hate is a strong word".Atleast that's what I heard.Every time he's with Funneh,I feel a weird emotion of both anger and sadness.Mostly sadness.


"Alec?You okay?"

I must have spaced out for a while and I didn't even know."Uh yeah.Sorry!"

(dats a new one-)

I was hiding behind a wall.I watched as my dear Senpai took a bite of his food.Oh, will be MINE.

(i feel weird writing dat :> )

Good thing Valerie is gone.Just a few more dead bodies and bloody knives and no one will stop me.I don't even know what Senpai saw in her.Sometimes,I would follow him to the cemetery when he visits Valerie's grave.Tsk.Too bad her coffin (and lifeless body) isn't buried in there anymore.Elijah dug it out and pushed it off a cliff.

(i think thats right...?)

"Hey there,Senpai~" a random girl I don't recognize approached my Senpai.Guess I have a new target.

(she will be just a background character.shes nothing important in the story.i just added her for idk)


"It's settled!" "Tomorrow after school,
our dorm for a fun sleepover!"Gold announced.My phone made a 'beep'
and I found out that the Krew texted me.

Hey!!Guess wut =)

it's some good news!👌

the suspense!i cant take it

WE REACHED 5 MILLION SUBS!!(on your channel -_- )

My eyes widened.I could feel my lips curve into a smile.I was so excited and happy that I squealed with my hands covering my mouth,of course.
The gang looked at me with questioning faces."What's wrong,Funneh?" asked Gold.I didn't want to say anything about our youtube channels out loud so I just texted her that we reached 5 million!!
Her phone vibrated.She took it out and she had the same reaction as me.
"OMG 5 MILLION!!?!?!"Gold squealed out loud.The gang looked surprised and confused.Some students in the cafeteria looked at us too."What do you mean 5 MILLION??!"asked Evan.
"5 million what?"Kyran gave us a confused look."Eh....umm"


Before anyone could talk,the bell rang.My savior for all awkward moments!We walked out the cafeteria and went our seperate ways.Me and Gold were together,of course.We stopped by near my locker."Kim!Why did you do that?!" I wisper shouted.
"Sorry!A- I was just too excited." she replied."Well...let's just head on to class." I took out my schedule."I have PE next.You?"I asked."Same as you"

We walked to the girl's locker room to change.I was just still thinking about the whole 5 million thing and going back to Canada. I wonder how the agency is doing...meh.Im sure they're fine!

I finished changing and waited for Gold.She didn't take much time."Im ready" She exclaimed."Good.Now lez go!"


Hi.sryy for many a/n's and stuff.

word count: 1279

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