Chapter 19: Memories

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We were transported to some kind of room..or void.The area was all black but I could still see ourselves clearly.

"How did we get here?" I whispered to myself."Hm.This is Lunar's stuff so I guess that explains this magic." Alec pointed out.I looked over at Kyran who was shaking so much.I know this is a bad situation but at least we're not dying.Yet.

I caught a glimpse of..light! A big holographic screen popped up in the air a few meters away from us.

"What is that?" I gasped.Words started to form on the screen:


More holographic screens spread around us.All were in different sizes.Each one showed a picture of..the Krew.

I walked closer to one of them.It displayed an image of the Krew laughing and having fun.Almost all of them showed that.Some had their scared faces.

"I think...these are the Krew's memories." I said,looking over my shoulder to see the other two people I'm with.Both looked just as confused as me.The words on the big screen erased and changed into a new set of words:


Under those words were two little symbols.One red 'x' and one green check mark.Alec slowly walked over to the screen.He hesitated but still pressed the check mark symbol."I wanna know what folders it meant." He said.The words changed once again:


A swirling loading icon popped on all the screens.After a few seconds,the other screens slowly faded away.It was kinda satisfying,to be honest.


Seven holograms,shaped in actual folders appeared in front of the screen.Each one were in different colors and were labeled.

One folder was a light neon blue.It was labeled 'FUNNEH MOMENTS'.

Another folder was colored yellow and labeled 'FROM CHILDHOOD'.

A bright green folder was labeled 'ALULULULU'.Weird.

Next to it was a hot pink folder.It was labeled 'OUTSIDE OF CANADA'.I don't get it.

A neon purple folder was labeled 'PRIVATE: WENNY ONLY!'.I remember the Krew saying that the names we know aren't real so I guess that's a real name.Lunar's real name,I think.

Two folders left.One was a dark red.Labeled 'SCARY/RAGE/TRIGGERED MOMENTS'.

And lastly,an orange folder labeled 'WITH MOM AND DAD :( '.

"Should we really be messing with these?" Kyran pondered."Maybe.Too late now and we don't even know how to get out of here." I replied.

"How about..'FUNNEH MOMENTS' first? Sounds interesting and probably Funneh's memories." Kyran suggested."I wanna see what's in the yellow or red one." Alec said.All of them seemed really interesting,it's hard to resist.The orange one attracted me the most.

"I wanna see what's in all of them.Specially the orange one."

"You mean that one-oh...memories with their parents,'sad face'." Kyran said,pointing at the orange folder and slowly retreated it while saying the last part.

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