Chapter 5: Acting Suspicious

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•Rainbow• (wAw)

It was a beautiful afternoon.I was at our little lounge in the agency.The captain said he needed the whole Krew.Which is why Funneh and Gold are coming back from America.I can't wait for them to come back!"Hey Betty.You know where the toaster is?I need it for my toast." Draco asked."Hehehe.You always want toast."I giggled.He playfully rolled his eyes."Toast is food of the gods." I raise an eyebrow."This god"he pointed at himself."Who are you,one-dollar Zeus?"Lunar joked.Draco and I just laughed."What do you think our next mission is?" The two thought for a moment before shrugging."It could be anything"Lunar waved her hands in the air."True.But it must be really important"Draco added.

"Agent Rainbow,Agent Draco,and Agent Lunar please come in to my office."

The three of us looked at each other before walking out the lounge.What does the captain want now??

We reached the glass door of his office.I pushed it open and walked in with the other two behind me.
"Yes Captain?" We asked in unison.
"I'm going out the city for a while.Im sure you and the others can handle tasks without me."He said in a serious voice."We understand,captain.But why are you going out the city?"I asked."I need to find some people.Agent Funneh and Agent Gold will arrive on Thursday.I will leave on Wednesday and hopefully come back the next day."He finished.I nodded.
"Is there some kind of mission you need us to do while you're gone?"Lunar asked.The captain shook his head."Just watch out for any reports.If something happens,call me and just get it done." We all nodded."That's all.You are all excused.You may go now,agents."

We walked out the door of the office.
I could see him run a hand through his brown hair and sigh from the corner of my eye."So..what now?"
I ask the two."We find the missing toaster!"Draco yelled as he ran off.
Me and Lunar just laughed and followed him.


»Time skip»

Funneh and Gold are acting weird lately.Its like their hiding something from us.Like when Gold kicked Evan by accident.Does she know how to defend herself and fight?!Since when?!Or when her and Funneh just squealed in the cafeteria and said something about 5 million.5 million...
5 million what?Potatoes?Followers?
Dollars?!And then those people from the photos.Who are they and what's their relationship with Funneh and Gold? This whole thing is all so...confusing.


I snapped out and saw Evan waving his hand in my face.I blinked twice before saying "Um heyy?"
Alec was standing behind him and the girls weren't there."Where did Funneh and Gold go?"I asked."Uh they went to get some stuff somewhere in that direction.Did you not notice?"Alec pointed behind me.
I looked around to see students roaming around the campus.I didn't even notice we were done with school already.

"Hey guys..." "Yeah?Wazzup dude?"Evan replied."Did you ever notice that Funneh and Gold are acting weird lately?" I crossed my arms.Evan raised an eyebrow and Alec sighed."Kyran,it's none of our business.We can't just-" I cut him off.
"Earlier this morning,Evan got in the nurse's office 'cause Gold kicked him hard on the leg.She also acted like she was super aware of it!"
"True story,man."Evan added.Alec just looked confused."Kicked.She kicked him?"He asked.I just nodded."Or when they just randomly squealed and said something anout '5 million'
in the cafeteria!" I threw my arms in the air.Then I remembered."Wait.Remember the picture of them and those strangers we saw in Funneh's room?You took a picture of it using your phone,right?" I asked him seriously."I already deleted the picture.Stop it Kyran.I know it's weird and suspicious but its Funneh and Gold's thing.Leave them alone and let them have their privacy."He defended.There was a moment of silence.He's right.I shouldn't have said that.It was invading their privacy and snooping through their life."S-Sorry.I got carried away I guess" I looked down at my shoes and sighed."Its cool.
Just...never mind."Alec replied."Okay,hold up,hold up.You went in Funneh's room?And what picture of random strangers?"Evan asked."Yes.We were in her room but we had permission."
Alec pointed out."Mhm.And the picture we saw was a picture of Funneh and Gold with three other people.We couldn't recognize them.
There were two girls and one boy.They could be family but they don't look the anything alike."I added.
Evan looked both surprised and confused."That is weird."He murmured.

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