Chapter 20: Scented Letter

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¦The Next Day...¦


I knew it.I knew they found out about the book.I just hope they didn't open the purple folder.I'm not really mad at them.I just don't care.

"Did you look in the purple folder?" I asked them in a serious tone.They shook their head."Good.I don't want anyone looking in that thing." I sighed in relief."Can I ask a question?" Kyran asked."You just did.But,fine." I said.

He'd either ask about what's in my folder or about mom and dad.Now I'm getting flashbacks,dammit.

"Who did you and the rest of the Krew live with as children?"

Close enough.Out of everything he could ask,he asked who we lived with?

"Weird question.We lived with people,obviously.Now I'll be going back to work.Bye!" I answered and trotted away.


"LUNAARRR!" I heard Kyran groan.I laughed.


I was walking in the lounge room.Gold and Rainbow were there."Hey,Funneh!" Rainbow greeted."Heeyy." I greeted back and walked over to the fridge.

"When do you think Lovendie will strike again?" I wondered,searching for a good snack to eat.

Rainbow and Gold were silent.Until Gold finally spoke."Any time soon.Or maybe she's somewhere in the city,just hiding."

"Well,I'm sure we can beat her.And maybe we'll get stronger now that we have Alec,Kyran,and Evan." Rainbow added.I pulled out a bowl of strawberries."Yeah,I guess so." I murmured.

"I wonder what's happening back in America.Or YH.I hope everyone is alright." Gold sighed.

Right,Yandere High.The school that I attend.The school with a bunch of cases of murder.The school that reminds me of...Valerie.She's in a better place now.But on the good side,YH is where I met three amazing friends and some nice people.Felicia and Brittney do not count.

Evelyn is doing her best to solve the case.Not just Valerie's but the other innocent girls as well.Speaking of Evelyn,I think she's almost there.Close to finding out who's behind all the murder.

"Funneh? Earth to Funneh?"

I shook my thoughts away."Yes?"

"Thinking about something? You were going deeep in thought." Rainbow asked.

"Uhh-OH! Just...YH.You know,school." I said.Gold frowned.Rainbow just squinted her eyes at me."Tell me."


"Tell me something about Yandere High.What happened?" she leaned over the the countertop.I didn't say anything.I looked at Gold who was playing with her fingers.

"I'm your older sister.You can trust me." Rainbow whispered.I sighed."Guess I should spill some tea."

"So,YH...there's a murderer out there.He or she has been killing innocent girls one by one.Me and Gold had this friend..named Valerie.Valerie Maki.She was one of the victims.Her dorm was set on fire.Gold,help me out."

Gold nodded." time,we were in this haunted house.We camped outside of it.Then we went in the house.There was room that was really similar to Valerie's old dorm.It was..on fire.We thought it was some kind of replica.We've seen a few abnormal ghosts-" she got cut off by Rainbow who looked creeped out.

"Woah,woah,woah! I just asked what's happening in your school and now you're talking 'bout ghosts?! Your school is weird."

"Eh,well Evelyn is solving the case." I said."Who's Evelyn?" she asked,tilting her head."Oh,Evelyn is a private investigator.She's a friend of ours at YH." Gold answered for me.

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