Chapter 3: We're Leaving

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After Alec came back to get his phone, I turned around to see Gold standing in a straight posture,hands behind her back,and a smirk on her face.

well that was awkward.

She just kept looking at me.Until she finally spoke.

"Hehe.Anyways..." she trailed off.I noticed that her smile turned in to a frown.

"the Krew texted me.They said that...

they said that we should go Canada in 4 days." she finished.

My heart dropped.I don't want to leave yet!W-What about the Gang?!

"B-but why?Its a little early!And we still h-have the year end party!" I stuttered.

Gold let out a sigh."Kat,I know...its hard...but we have to."she put her hand on my shoulder. "They didn't tell me why exactly but they said its important." I stayed silent."Why don't we text them back on why we need to go back...and whatever is happening there..?" she took out her phone and started tapping on the screen.If we really do need to go back, at least let us say goodbye to The Gang.


The air was cold.The stars were bright.I was busy reading manga and then my phone made a 'ding' sound.
I got a text from Funneh.

Hey kyran.Sorry to bother you
if ur busy.

Funneh and Gold are
leaving soon.Back to Canada.

were leaving a next week on
thursday before the party

My eyes widened.Why so soon?!But is it just for the summer or...
actually leave YHS...forever?
I typed back as fast as I could.
oh....ok.Is it just
for the summer or until next

Just summer.We will come back,
I sighed in relief.But I was still really sad about them leaving already.
want me to tell the others?


np.Im sure ur gonna miss alec
sooo much 😏😆

Oh shut up Kyran!!😳😒

well its been fun talking to you.
I gotta go.bye!:)


After that,I decided to sleep a little early.We still have school tomorrow.
I'll just tell the rest of the Gang in school.

l a t e r t h a t n i g h t

I couldn't sleep at all!I guess the thought about Funneh and Gold leaving is haunting me now.

I went to the kitchen to get some water.I was going back upstairs then I thought I should text the others.

Once I got back in my room,I quickly grabbed my phone to tell Alec and Evan about Funneh and Gold leaving.


I was awake around 11:30 'cause I had a hard time sleeping.I just kept thinking about...everything.

About Yandere's threat,losing Funneh-

(lol just wanted to do that)

wait...speaking of Funneh,I remembered the picture of her and Gold with those strangers.I have a picture of it saved in my phone.I looked at it again.

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