Chapter 29: Letters and Confessions

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We head back to Evelyn's after the whole thing.She wanted to ask us more questions.

I still didn't understand why the captain did that.He made us retreat and just get out of there without finishing what we came for.Did he not trust us with this?

I shook my thoughts away and looked back at the others.We were all gathered around Evelyn's living room again.

"That's all the questions I have for now.You guys can stay for a little longer if you want." Evelyn spoke,not looking up from the notepad she was writing on."It's fine.Thank you for your help,Evelyn.But we should get going now." The captain said.Evelyn nodded in return.

We all left after saying goodbyes and thank you's and just stood there outside the door,looking at each other for no reason.

School was getting closer and closer.Sure,it's a little out of topic but that's the first thing that comes in my mind.Not gonna lie,I'm kinda excited.Even if Funneh might get us in trouble on the first day again.It would be even better to go back,knowing that a murderer isn't on the loose and is where they belong.

"I'm sorry but..why did we just run out that door like cowards?"

My eyes shifted towards Funneh."Yeah.We never back up from a mission!" Lunar agreed,waving her arms in the air.A small sigh then escaped the captain's mouth.

He was about to say something,most likely say "we are not cowards" blah,blah,blah,but the sound of his phone ringing stopped him."Excuse me,I'll just answer this call." He said,taking his phone out of his back pocket and walking a few meters away from us.

I watched as he looked at the caller ID before answering the call.He began to talk.We couldn't hear him,we only saw his mouth move.My attention went back to the others.

"So..what do we do now?" Kyran asked."Oh,I don't know.Wait for the captain to end that call and tell us what to do? How does that sound?" Alec replied sarcastically.Kyran glared at him and stuck his tounge out.

From the corner of my eye,I saw the captain walk back to where we stood,a serious look on his face.

[Somewhere In The YHS Campus...]


"YOU IDIOTS!" I yelled.

"What do you mean you "got lost" and couldn't find them?"

I stared at the two.They didn't bother to look at me but down at their shoes."At least we weren't unconscious the whole time by just one hit on the head." I heard Elijah muttered under his breath.

"Excuse me? What did you say?"

He knew I must've heard him and rapidly shook his head."Nothing."

A smug smile crept on my face.It didn't last long.

Elijah and Celeste are the only minions I have left.And I'm not grateful.And then there's Alec,who decided to join his friends and play.I don't know about that man he's with.He seems older than them.But he's one of those people he came back with.I trapped him in anyway.

After he and the others fleed my unsuccessful plan,the police went in the school to look for anything.Us,specificly.We managed to run off without being caught.Most of them are gone now.A few of them are looking around the area.

My plan with Evelyn failed,she's alive.And the one with Alec failed as well.They escaped and know important details.I knew he had brought someone back from his trip after seeing that teal-haired girl from the store.She was odd.She had some type of magic.I once saw her make her and Alec disappear when they were about to leave.Besides her,I saw Funneh and a two other boys.I recognize one of them,the one with a dyed teal fringe.I think he was at my sleepover last time.And the other..I don't know.I heard Funneh and Gold went back to Canada a few days after the Year End party but now they're here.So I thought they were with Alec,too.

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