Chapter 2:Angel in disguise

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I was done eating my food.I noticed Alec still hasn't come back.Is Funneh's room that messy that he can't find the charger? I thought."Um can I use your bathroom?" I asked."Go ahead." Funneh replied.I went upstairs and hurried to the bathroom.


I got out of the bathroom.I saw Alec in Funneh's room.I peeked in through the small opening on the door.I saw him holding a picture frame in one hand and his phone on the other.Its like he's...taking a picture of it?Weird.He was about to walk out but then,
I had the guts to open the door more widely and talk."Alec?What were you doing?" I was so confused."You saw everything,didn't you?" he murmured.I nodded at the question.He let out a sigh and tapped on his phone."Look at this." he said in a serious voice.I looked at the picture he was showing on his phone.It was Funneh and Gold with people I don't recognize.Maybe they're family?Nah,they look nothing alike.Well,this pink haired girl and Gold kinda have the same eye color.Friends?didn't they say they lived in Canada?So maybe these other people could be they're friends from Canada.They were all wearing strange outfits in the picture.Really odd."Who...are the others in the picture?" I asked.Alec just shrugged.I looked past the wall behind him and saw another picture fame.I walked closer to it and inspected it carefully.On the picture was Funneh but a little younger.She had the same outfit from the other picture on Alec's phone.She also had a black furred dog with bright purple eyes right beside her.In the background was Gold and those three other people.Alec walked over to me and stood beside me.He was also looking at the picture on the wall.
"This is all confusing...who are they?"
I asked in a confused tone.Alec said we should hurry back to the living room 'cause the others might be wondering where we were.


Its been a while since those two left.
"Hey where are Alec and Kyran? They're taking a long time to get back"

Coming down the stairs we're Alec and Kyran."What took you guys so long?!" asked Gold."Oh sorry.The charger was a little hard to find but I got it." Alec waved the charger in his hand."You guys missed alot.We were already on episode 5 when you guys were upstairs!"Aly waved her arms in the air."Hey I gotta get going.Its pretty late.And thanks Funneh..and Gold." Evan said.He got up from his seat and said goodbye before walking out the door.I didn't even notice that it was pretty late."I gotta go to.Thanks for the food.Bye!"Kyran looked at the watch on his wrist."Okay, bye Kyran!"

The only ones left were Alec and Aly.
"Are you guys gonna stay a little longer?" Gold asked the two."Ye- "
Aly got cut off by Alec."Sorry but no.Our mother might get worried and we do have school tomorrow so I guess we'll see you there." "What?!Already?I wanna stay!" Aly whined.Alec just shook his head no and took her hand and walked to the door.I giggled."Okay then.Bye!" Gold waved her hand a little and smiled.When every one was gone, we took the plates and put them on the countertop near the sink.


Me and Aly were walking in the streets when she asked "Why did we have to leave so soon?"
I let out a sigh and replied."Its late,Aly.Mom is probably worried by now"
"Alright.And also,what did you do in Funneh's room that took you so long to come back,huh?" She asked with one eyebrow raised."I already said it.I couldn't find the charger at first but I found it." I playfully roll my eyes.Wait...did I leave my phone at their dorm?I looked through the pockets of my hoodie and found nothing.We were already near or house."Aly, you get in.Im gonna go back to their dorm.I think I left my phone in there"
She went in and I ran back to their dorm.

(Okay I don't know if Alec lives in a dorm or a house but it'll be in a house in this story :/ )

I reached Funneh and Gold's dorm.I rang the doorbell but no answer.I rang again but no one answered again.Maybe they went out or something?I waited a little outside.


3 minutes have passed and still. I tried looking in from the window but nobody was there.The TV was off and I could see the plates from earlier.
I tried looking for my phone but I didn't see it.Oh no....
what if Yandere has been calling and they would find out?What if they found out that they were with a criminal working for a murderous teenager this whole time?What if I lose them?What if I lost my family?What if-
I stopped thinking about my insecurities.Im not Kyran who's literally too scared and weak.But I can't imagine losing Aly,Mom,Kyran,Gold....,or Funneh.I still don't like Evan,okay.
(heehhhh sorry)
Yandere knew I needed money.I needed it to provide for my family.Ever since my dad left, we had more problems with paying for our bills and rent.

(im too young to know about dat lol)

I didn't want to but I had no choice.
I tried searching for part-time jobs but no luck.

Since nobody was answering, I just walked away.But then the door finally opened.

"Alec?Did you forget something?"
Funneh asked as she stood by the door frame."Oh,yeah.I think I forgot my phone in there"

She blinked twice before handing me my phone.She put a charming smile on her face and said,"I let it charge so don't worry!"

Her smiles and laughs always made me feel warm inside.I didn't want to lose her.I didn't want her to know.I don't want anyone to know.She helped me alot.And Aly to.Like when she let me win the game in Deathcon and claim the prize.Or when she went through alot of trouble just so she can get Aly's charm back for her.She's like an angel in disguise.

(cheesy.But im still fangirling from
what I'm doing here😂)

I took my phone from her hand and thanked her.It was about 83% right now.

"Did it ever ring or something?" I asked trying to hide the worrying in my voice."No,I haven't heard anything."she answerwed and put a hand on her hip.I nodded and thanked her again."I'll get going now,bye." I said. I heard her say goodbye and shut the door.

I hurried back home and went up to my room.I laid down on my bed thinking.I turned on my phone and looked at the picture of me and the others(Funneh,Gold,Kyran,Aly,Evan)

I won't lose you guys.....

I hope...

HeYy ThErE mAiTe!
I hope u enjoyed this chapter.

word count: 1155

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