Chapter 8: The Call

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The captain left earlier today.Why didn't he tell us where he was going?
He is our captain.Our boss.So we trust him."Heard of any bad news around the city?"Rainbow asked as she peeked her head out the cubicle wall between us."Nope."I replied.She let out a sigh and said "Let's turn the TV on and see if there's any news." She grabbed a remote from her side of the wall.She pointed it on a hanging TV on a wall.It quickly turned on as she pressed a red button on the remote.

There was nothing wrong at all.Except for the typhoon about to hit a country in Asia.We can't stop natural disasters like we could just magically control the weather."Nothing.The city is peaceful right now.Too peaceful."
I muttered the last part."Let's go eat sandwiches.Im sure Lunar and some other members of the agency are already chilling in the lounge."
Rainbow insisted."No.I don't want your soft sandwiches.Iam inneed of toast!"I sassed.She playfully rolled her eyes."Of course.C'mon,let's go!"


Tomorrow's the day.The day I go back to Canada.Sweet,sweet Canada.Me and Gold are getting some stuff packed up.The dorm is now half empty.Im really gonna miss this dorm.It was the only dorm that Gold didn't fully set on fire.Hehe.

"Okay,I'm done with my room!"Gold announced as she panted a little."How
are you so tired?Your room is the size of a box!There's no way you can get tired just by cleaning and packing up an extremely small room." I exclaimed as I threw my arms in the air.She giggled an we continued working.

A Few Hours Later...

Phew!That was alot of work.I noticed the sky was getting a little orange.Meaning,it was late in the afternoon.
We took so long,I guess."Hm.I'm sure school is over by now."I said."Yeah.Let's take a break.Im so tired!"Gold replied.I nodded and we just sat on some wooden chests and crates.


I was late this morning.Ugh.But I really needed that drink.Hold on a second....

I remember that thing the waiter gave me.I looked through my pockets and felt the object in it.Maybe I should tell the gang.Except for Funneh and Gold.  They're not in school and Im sure they're busy packing up.     
I noticed Evan run towards me."Dude!I n-need to talk a-bout something.."He said panting at the same time."Same here!You can go first."I insisted."Okay...just...hold on.."He said;still panting."Okay.So I was going to my locker this morning then this really weird looking lady came up to me.."He trailed off."She said she was looking for someone with the name 'Evan' so I told her I might be the one she was looking for.Then she gave me this card."He continued as he took out a black thin box.He opened it and inside it was a golden card.It had a strange symbol on it to.The symbol was an upside down triangle with a 'K' in it."How about you,Ky?"Evan asked."Well,when I was running to school this morning from Funneh and Gold's dorm.I got really tired so I went to this cafe near by.." I adjusted my voice."I just ordered water there and the waiter that served me was really odd.Then when he put my drink on the table,I saw him put something else on the table.Which I asume was with the drink." I took the thing out of my pocket and showed it to him.I actually got to see a better look at it.Besides being golden and rectangular,it had the same symbol on the card Evan showed me.The exact same symbol!
"Hey,this symbol is on both of these things."I pointed out.Evan looked at both of the golden objects.His eyes widened."It is!"He said in shock."But wait...don't you think we aren't the only ones given with these things?"
Evan pondered.

He's right.There could be someone else.Anyone!

"Let's ask Alec.He's the only one we trust here besides Funneh and Gold.We could ask them but I'm sure they're busy packing up or something like that."I suggested.He shrugged.I took out my phone and dialed his number.It rang for a while but he answered.

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