Chapter 22: Finally Caught

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(u can play that song if u want later.i just had to-)

Hours passed by.We finished our plan.But the thing is..when is Lovendie going to strike? No one knows.

The captain left for a while to use the restroom."Phew,that was a lot of work,eh?" Rainbow said.The door swung open,revealing Britta who was holding a tray of nine drinking glasses and a pitcher of lemonade."Have something to drink." She said,walking towards the table.

After that,she walked out of the room."Hey,someone turn the TV on.Let's watch some news." Kyran insisted.Gold was the closest to the remote so she turned it on.

Instead of the news,a whole bunch of ads came on.Eventually,they all stopped."Weird." I hear Rainbow mutter.The screen turned black.Then we heard someone's voice.They said:

"Good evening—a-agents.Did you re-re-receive my l—letter? Well,that's a—all for now.XOXO,L—Loven-en-die-die-die—"

It was pretty glitchy.The screen went back to normal."What the hedge was that?!" Evan exclaimed."Another message from Lovendie." I deadpanned.The door opened.

"Alright everyone.It's getting late.You should all go back to your rooms and rest." It was the captain.We got up our seats and walked out the door one by one then we went our separate ways.


It was pretty boring in my room so I decided to stop by at Draco's.

"Hey,you there? Draco?"

I knocked on his door.Then Rainbow came up to me."Draco is at the lounge with Evan.Me,Gold,Kyran,and Lunar are gonna go outside.Wanna come?" She asked me.I noticed that she changed in to some more comfortable clothes—a light pink tank top,a pastel blue cardigan,white shorts and flat pink sandals.

"Sure.I guess I should walk the dogs too.Just let me change first."


I walked in my room and shut the door behind me.I looked in my messy and un-organized closet.Of course,I'm too lazy to fold a shirt.I grabbed the nearest shirt and leggings I could see.I ended up wearing a baby blue cropped hoodie,dark gray leggings with a gold side-stripe and black sneakers.

"Ready!" I said,walking out."Here's the leash,by the way." Rainbow gives me a blue leash for multiple dogs.

(hope you understood that)

"Thanks.I'll get the dogs.You can go with Gold and the other two first."

"If you say so.We'll be at the park or somewhere."

"Hey,Floof! Pupper! Reinhardt!"

(not sure if those are spelled right)

The dogs come closer to me.Floof,Pupper,and Reinhardt are our pets and the captain made them trained search and rescue dogs! And Kiaria? She's being adorable and reduces our stress.

(i dunno if the dogs' breeds are good to be a search and rescue dog.i think they can or at least in this story)

After I managed to attach the leash on their collars,I lead them out the building.

l spotted Rainbow,Gold,Kyran,and Lunar sitting on the steps of the staircase in front if the entrance."I thought you guys were at the park." I walked up to them.

They turn their heads to face me."We decided to wait for you here." Kyran said."Yeah.We asked Draco,Evan,and Alec if they wanted to come but they didn't want to." Lunar pointed out.

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