Chapter 1: Old Pictures,New People

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It was morning.Me and Gold were in the living room then suddenly, we heard a knock on the door.I opened the door and revealed Kyran.

"Hey Funneh!Where's Gold?wanna hang out?"

"Hey Kyran.Gold is here with me in the living room." I pointed at Gold with my index finger.

"Oh, hi!What's up?"Gold asks.

I let Kyran in the dorm and closed the door after."I got bored so I thought I should go here and ask you guys to hang out" He replied.I looked at Gold and raised an eyebrow and shrugged.

"Umm sure!" Gold smiled.I could tell Kyran was getting butterflies in his stomach with that smile.He has got to confess soon.

"So what should we do?" I asked and they both looked at me.

"Why don't we go to a cafe or something.Ichigo bakery?"Gold suggested.Kyran's eyes widened in when fear when Gold mentioned Ichigo bakery.He probably remembered Meghan.That girl is crazy.But I'm okay with that.

After a minute of silence, Kyran's phone ringed meaning he's getting a call.He looked at his phone screen and looked back at us."Alec's calling me."
"Hm.Oh uh..t-take it!Its been ringing for a while now." I stammered.He nodded and walked outside the door.
When Kyran was gone, Gold looked at me with a wide smirk."So...why'd you stutter when he mentioned Alec's name,huh?"she teased with a proud and wide smirk on her face and a hand on her hips.I could see Kyran still talking on the phone outside from the window." Uhhh nothi-" I was cut off by Kyran coming back in the room.
"Im back!"he closed the door and put his phone back in his pocket."What did Alec say?" Gold asked."He just asked where I was and I said Im here at your dorm so now he's coming over if thats okay with you guys." Kyran shrugged.Why though?Is something wrong? "Of course!Tell him he can come over."Gold said with a thumbs-up.I just stayed silent.Kyran said he texted him and Alec will be here in a few minutes.

2 minutes later...

Someone rang on the doorbell and Gold answered it.Alec stood out in our doorstep with Aly and Evan behind him."Hey Alec!I see you have company?"Gold looked behind him and saw Aly and Evan.Aly waved her hands and Evan just nodded."Aly kept begging me to let her come with me and this guy( Evan) just tagged along"he said in an annoyed tone of voice.Gold giggled and let them in.
"Hey guys!"I greeted."Hey Funneh" they greeted back."Ok so what brings you guys here?This just sounds pretty random." "Bored."Alec chuckled.
"Heh.Same thing with Kyran here."I pointed at Kyran who was sitting on the couch."Since we're all here,let's watch a movie!"Gold said with her arms in the air.


"Uhh sure!What movie?"Aly asked as she sat on the couch.Alec sat on her right.Kyran sat on her left and Evan beside him."Let's watch an anime film!"Kyran suggested."Nah.How about a horror movie,eh?" Evan wiggled his fingers doing that 'spooky-effect' thing.I let out a sigh."You know what,lets just see what Netflix has to offer." Funneh took the remote and scrolled down Netflix to find a good movie to watch.

2 hours later...

We ended up watching Money Heist.Not my first choice,but I had to admit that it was really good.Its a series and right now, we're on episode 3.

After a moment,I noticed that Funneh was using her phone while watching.
Her thumbs were pressing on to her screen and her eyes sometimes shifted to the TV and sometimes on her phone.I could tell she was texting someone.Maybe the Krew?Speaking of the krew...I haven't seen them in a while.Well,since they are in Canada.
I couldn't tell anyone about our little secret.Not even the Gang or anyone.We couldn't tell anyone about being agents or about our real names.We had to hide it or we might get known and tracked down.

"Gold?You alright?" Funneh asked from beside me."Yeah.Im gonna go get snacks." I really did.I can't just let the others get hungry while watching a movie.I went to the kitchen and looked through the fridge.I found some oreo cheesecake that I ordered online yesterday.I grabbed it out of the freezer and took out a pack of popcorn.I put the popcorn in the microwave and got some plates from a cabinet."I need to use the bathroom.Be right back!" I heard Funneh dash upstairs to the bathroom.I glanced at the gang who were still busy watching the current episode of Money Heist.I heard the microwave make a slight noise before I took it out and poured it in a bowl.


We were in the middle of watching Money Heist when suddenly, Funneh's phone started to vibrate and make noises."Hey why is Funneh's phone ringing so much?Its distracting me."Evan exclaimed."I don't know.But let's leave it alone."Aly replied,not looking away from the TV screen.
It ringed again.Aly took a deep breath and tried not to touch the phone.
Funneh came back and startled me.
"Woah.Chill,'s just me."She chuckled before sitting down on the other end of the couch.

"Hey uh do you guys have a charger?My phone is on 4%" Alec asked."I think Funneh has one.Im using mine soo yeah." I heard Gold say with a bowl of popcorn and cheesecake(I think) in her hands.She smirked and Funneh gave her a
why-did-you-do-that-you-are-so-dead face.I quietly laughed at the little scenario."Yeah sure.Just lemme get it for ya-" "No you stay here and watch.Just tell me where it is and I'll get it." Alec cut her off.I could see Aly smirking while eating the piece of cheesecake on her plate.The cheesecake was amazing by-the-way.

(actually,the whole oreo cheesecake thing is my experience of eating a cheesecake today <3 )

"Oh,okay.Its in my room.You'll find it on my desk."Funneh directed."Okay.B-R-B" Alec went upstairs.Kinda suspicious but meh.


I went up to Funneh's room and it was surprisingly...clean.I walked up to her desk and didn't see her charger like what she said was on her desk.I looked through stuff on top of it and found the charger behind a picture frame.I grabbed it but accidentally knocked the picture frame.It landed flat on her desk.I sighed in relief that it didn't fall off or break.I was about to place it back when I saw the picture.It was Funneh and Gold but...with other people.There was five of them.I noticed they were wearing strange unusual outfits.I didn't think it was right to but I got too...curious and nosy.I took a picture of it with my phone and saved it in my gallery.I grabbed the charger and was about to walk out the room.

"Alec?What were you doing?"

Heyyy!hope u like my random story and i got a little inspired by someone named fictionalcomets.Go check him/her out!Bai

word count: 1201

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