Chapter 13: Awkward Reunion

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¦The Next Day¦


Yesterday was a mess.But at least Alec and Evan are kinda getting along.We got home late but we were safe.Too bad we couldn't go to the year end party this year.

Today,I'm gonna pack up and start getting ready to leave America on Monday.Oh,right.It's Sunday today.Guess I'm leaving tomorrow.

Tomorrow, me,Alec,and Evan go to who-knows-where because we're hired as secret agents.Temporary ones.It's kinda weird that we're from America and we're going to fight bad guys to save a city in a different country.Why us?But I guess it's too late now since we've already agreed to it.A new experience!And I don't like going to so much adventures and do dangerous things.I'm not Funneh for Pete's sake!

I just wanna binge-watch animes and read my manga.And when shall I meet someone that actually likes anime?

It's pretty boring right now.Maybe I should start packing up.

Thank god I'm done!

"Good job,Kyran!"I said to myself."Why,thank you,Kyran."I said to myself again."Wow,Kyran.You're so cool!"I said in a high pitched voice(to sound like a different person)."Hehe,I know."I said.

"That was so cocky,man."a familiar male voice chuckled.I turned around to see Evan standing on my doorframe."EVAN?!W-What are you d-doing here?!"I stuttered.I was sure my face was flustered and red.

"Oh,nothing.You wanna hang out?"He asked."Sure.I don't have anything to do now."I replied.

We got out my dorm and started walking.I saw a lot of students roaming around the campus.Probably because they're ready to go home and enjoy the summer."Hey,let's see if Alec wants to come with us."I suggested.Evan nodded.


"Where were you?"Yandere asked sternly."I told you already!We were on our way to the party but the car ran out of gas and we got stuck in the middle of the road for a while."I explained."Ugh,whatever.I need you to delete some evidence."She said."What did you do this time?"I asked sounding a little sarcastic.

"I killed another student,duh.What  do you expect?"She answered in a cold voice and rolled her eyes.

"Of course you did."I murmured."Get it done by Tuesday."She added."I won't be here starting tomorrow,you know."I pointed out.

She raised an eyebrow."Everyone is.You still have to do it.Even in the summer."She said.Little did she know,I'm going out the country.

"No,what I mean is out the country.Im going abroad."

Her eyes widened a little."Where exactly are you going?"She asked and furrowed her eyebrows."None of your business."I replied and crossed my arms.She gave me a displeased face.

"Do it.You know what will happen if you don't,right?Do what I say,Alec.If I go down,you go down.What about your family?And what would your little girlfriend think about that?What would she and your friends do if they found out that this whole time,they've been hangingout with a faker?A liar?A hacker?A criminal.Think of it."She threatend.

Right.Who would want to be friends with me?I'm a bad person.But not as bad Yandere.She forced me to do this.But...I can't let them know.

I let out a sigh."Fine.What's the evidence that I have to get rid off?"

Yandere grinned."Great.I left a footprint.You need to get rid of it before Evelyn finds it."She said flatly.
I heard my phone buzz.I took it out and read a pop-up notification; it was a text from Kyran.

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