Chapter 10: Yes or No?

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Before u start reading,I would like to say thank you very much for 200+ reads!Its already a big number for me so thank chu.I didn't expect ppl to actually read my story :> Now onto the book!



"So,how have you guys been?Any missions or something?"I asked the three(Lunar,Rainbow,Draco)."Mmh..
not much.The past few days,we haven't gotten a single report or mission 'cause the city's been really calm and peaceful."Rainbow answered and took a bite of the slice of cake on her plate."Now the tea!What happened in YHS?"Draco asked again."Well..."Gold trailed off.
"Funneh has a crush!"She spat out.

BETRAYAL!!!The rest of the Krew gasped and looked at me with curious faces like they were ready to kill me with questions about Alec.

"What's his name?"

"Is he nice to you?Did he hurt you?!"

"How did you meet?"

"Do you think he likes you too?"

"What does he look like?"

"Is he an anime character?"

They all asked.I was flustered.We all looked at Lunar for asking that last question.Is she Akinator or something?

"Why'd you even ask that?"Draco chuckled.We started laughing for a while."His name is Alec.He's one of our close friends."Gold said between giggles.I turned even more red."GOLD!" I playfully punched her in the arm.

A few minutes later,the captain (who literally just came from no where) opened the door of the lounge room.
"Uh- good afternoon,Captain Bones."
I greeted.I knew I was still blushing a little.

(I think it's Bones.That's what I heard from episode one)

"Good afternoon to you too,Agent Funneh.And Agent Gold."He greeted back.The captain is always talking to us like a serious business guy.But we're used to it."We left you some food on the table,captain."Gold pointed out.He let out a sigh and said
"Thank you.Im starving!"
I watched as he marched to the food table and started to devour the last two peices of cake (which I assume was mostly eaten by Rainbow),a plate of spaghet,and nachos.

(a plate of sPaGhEt)

He's that hungry,huh?


I was on my way to my next class with Alec and Kyran.Surprisingly,we have the same class so we just walked together.

"Are you guys joining agency?"Kyran asks quietly."I dunno.Are you?"I replied.Alec shrugged.Alec pretty much just stayed silent the whole time.He's a mysterious dude.Always wearing a hoodie on,he's usually on his phone,and making excuses.
Not like I hate him,I just...I don't know.
We aren't very close.

We reached our destination and just sat down on the chairs while not really understanding the lesson.



»Time Skip»

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