Chapter 17: 4 am

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(Warning: Some scenes may be unsuitable for children-)


I'm glad Principal Desu didn't mind if I go in the school.I really needed to get my things from my dorm.All the investigating and solving this case stopped me to even pack up.

(Does Evelyn even have a dorm?)

The whole campus was empty.Like a ghost town.But I always get a feeling that someone is following me.

'No one is there,Evelyn.Don't be ridiculous.Keep walking.' I thought to myself.

The sofas were wrapped in thin white sheets.The kitchen cabinets are now empty.And all I had to do left was pack up my clothes.

I folded each piece of clothing and stacked them up neatly.

(i use that word a lot :0 )

It was a good thing I brought a duffle bag with me.When I get home,I'll still be busy solving this case.Headaches and getting sleepy are even more normal then ever.To me it is,at least.

All my clothes are folded and tucked in the duffle bag.My driver should be here to pick me up any minute now.


I held on to the handle of the bag and exited the room.Before I could reach the stairs,a gloved hand grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back.My hand let go and dropped the duffle bag,followed by a loud thud on the wooden floor.

They pinned me to the wall.Their hand gripped on my throat,making it hard to breath.I was shocked.Maybe even afraid.

'No.Fight back! Fight back!' I thought.I got to see more of what they look like.Not really.It was obvious that she was a girl.She wore a black hooded jacket,a white shirt underneath it,dark denim pants,black sneakers,and a mask to cover her entire face.

"W-who are y-y-you?!" I managed to choke out.She ignored me and her grip tightened.Tears were starting to form in my eyes.But I had enough strength in me to defend myself.

Since my legs were loose,I kicked her in the stomach.

(Sorry if you're uncomfortable with this.Don't worry,I got you.later.)

She whinced in pain.Her grip loosened.That was when I had the chance to escape.I grabbed the bag and ran for the exit.

(Exit instead of door to make it more epic -w-)

The car was already there.Just in time."Miss Evelyn,are you-"

"Move! It's an emergency,I'm driving!" I ordered."Y-yes mam."

I put on the seat belt and started driving at a high speed.I was in such a hurry.I was panicking.Tears ran down my cheeks.



My vision started to get blurry.My entire body hurt.Before my eyes shut closed,I got a glimpse of white hair.

"Nice work,Celeste."


"Hurry!" I yelled while running.I regret wearing heels today.We ran relentlessly.From the lobby,to the workstations,past the captain's office,then we reached the conference room.

The donuts are probably cold now.

"A-are we late?"

Draco and Rainbow were there.Some of the other members were there to.And the captain stood in front of them,with a blank face looking straight at the six of us.

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