The Date: Part 1 (Nerves)

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5 days have passed, Alex and Milly have spent the time sending texts about where they're going, and some awkward small talk. Nerves pinch his stomach as he says goodnight to her.
Once the sun meets the middle of the sky tomorrow, is when they'll see each other, so Alex stands alone in his room, looking through his closet.

A Juice Wrld Shirt.
(No. She probably wouldn't like that.)

(Eh, I don't really deserve to wear that one lately.) He thinks, looking at his piano key shirt, then to his dust covered table that happens to be a keyboard in the corner of the room.

(I think I want something black..)

(That's probably too gloomy for a first date though.)

Flipping through more shirts, he can't find anything that's not mostly black.

(Here we go.)
He finally thinks, seeing a small dark blue fabric hanging, slightly sticking out from behind another black shirt.

But then, after moving it out of the way, he realizes why it's at the back of his closet.

"You would look adorable in this. 🙃"

The sharp, heavy sound of steel clanks in Alex's ears, as he hears Rachel's words.

(This shirt, she gave it to me...)

Quickly, he turns around and grabs a lighter out of his dresser drawer. As the flame dances under the dark blue shirt, Alex grits his teeth.

"Mom and dad would smell it."
Senid says, in the doorway, holding a small pile of clean clothes.


"It's okay."
Senid interrupts, with honest eyes.

Alex lifts his thumb off of the small red button, extinguishing the flame, as he looks down to the smoking hole it leaves.

"Don't feel angry at it. It's just a shirt. I have plenty of more right here."

(It's not just a shirt.)
He thinks, looking to it.

Somehow, just from the first glance, his mind has been ripped from now, to how he felt back then.

"You're nervous huh?"
Senid asks. He's not innocent, just changing the subject to the relevant distress.

Alex's eyes drift away from the shirt, onto Senid, who's putting the clothes away neatly.

"No. More so worried."

A pair of pants softly lands onto another inside the drawer.

"About what?"
The boy questions, patting the bottoms down to make more room.

"Milly not liking me."

Senid glances back.

"You don't mean attraction wise, do you?"

Alex shakes his head no.

He puts the last pair of pants away, shuts the drawer, then walks toward the closet.

"Do you see how full this is?"
Senid asks.

Below the cds on the top shelf, 3 dozen shirts hang.

"Some of them, you had before Rachel."
He points out, as he grabs a hanger off the slightly messy closet floor.

"One of them, is from her."
He calmly acknowledges, setting the hanger onto the rack.

"And a lot, if not most, you got after her."
He finishes, hanging the top shirt from the pile on the hanger.

Allowing a few seconds of pondering, he grabs more hangers from the floor all at once.

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