Left 4 Trauma!

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Months before meeting Alex, another friendship was made

Wearing pitch black sunglasses, Milly steps out the backdoor of the arcade, walking out into the less populated, backside of the Mall's parking lot.
Plastic soda cups lay in the road, ran over and squished by the few cars there.

In front of her, stands Tommy, under a fenced in tree. At his knees, Wheels barks at her with his rapidly wagging tail disrupting the grass below.

She ignores this, with a question straight to the man himself.
Which, upon looking up, he's wearing his headband over his eyes...

Fighting off a giggle, she asks in a shady voice.

"do you have the thing?..."

Tommy grabs a rolled up piece of paper that's tucked under Wheels' black collar. It rolls smoothly down from his hands, displaying it's full length of 3 feet.

"do you have it?.."
He responds.

Milly reaches her thumb and index into her beanie, pulling out an elegantly large feathered pen. Then, the lump from her pocket disappears as it becomes a small jar of ink in her left hand.

As the tip of the white pen dips into the thick, black ink, it nearly overfills. Leaving a drop to fall back into the pot once lifted away.

The pen ignores the page above, not reading all two feet full of words, but knowing what they say. On a line at the bottom, the name Milly is written.

With that, Tommy smirks, removing the headband from his eyes.
Milly pulls the glasses down to peer up at him.
They both begin giggling.


The front door opens to a short teenage couple, contrasting from little color, to a lot of it.

"You must be Zoey!"
Milly gasps.

Alarmed by the sudden volume, her head jiggles back, and her eyes widen.
As both of their eyes are wide open,
Alex closes the eye nearest to Milly.

Holy shit is that-
Is softly heard in the backround, before a shuffle of feet quickly make it to the door.

"Fuck face, it's you!"
A loud Tommy calls out, head appearing over Zoey's shoulders.

"Ahhh dis guyyyy"
Milly calls back, pointing italian finger guns up at him.

Senid stands in the street, picking up his skateboard, and staring at the group in front of him with immense confusion.

Locking eyes with Zoey, he realizes that she's feeling the same.

However, she's a bigger victim, by being caught in the center of it.

Attempting freedom, she puts her hand out.

"Indeed. And you're this Milly that I've heard so much about?" She says in a polite tone, of course.

"You guys talk about me?"

Looking down to Zoey's hand, she tries to catch her off guard with a high five but-

The intentions on Milly's face became clear 2 seconds before *hand*, and so

"Too slow."

Milly stares to her hand, in shock, disbelief, and sadness.

"A formidable foe, you are...

There's only one way to settle this..."

"Milly, you're not having a dual with Zoey." Alex stops her.

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