The Date: Part 2 (Vibes)

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The 2 mentally damaged idiots sit at a table together, eating. While at the same time, sharing glances with each other here and there accidentally. They look away, then find themselves always looking back.

"I like your shirt, where did you get it?"
Alex asks.

"Not sure homie, what about those shoes of yours?."

She sets her hotdog down on the table, relish spilling off onto the napkin below. Then moronically, goes upside down in her chair to get a closer look at Alex's shoes.

"Yeeeaahh, now those are some quality feetwear that'd look cool on a telephone wire."

Alex shakes his head with a half-laugh.

(Huh), he thinks.
On Milly's feet, are a pair of brown cowboy boots.

Once her bottom is planted back into her seat, Alex raises a question.

"Hey Milly, what's up with those boots?"
He politely asks.

She smolders, making direct eye contact with him. Then, out of nowhere, she lets out a gritty, tough, western voice.

"These here, oh, I got them off of some no good outlaw that I up and skinned alive, using this very knife."
She dramatically states, holding up a plastic butter knife.

Alex is, as often with Milly, amused and confused.

She looks him dead in the eyes as she leans forward.

Her eyes squint.


Alex laughs, genuinely surprised.

Then, once it dies down, he begins asking about her.

It turns out, and oh dear, she really likes video games.

"I haven't played much admittedly, but what are some of your favorites?"

With wide eyes, she responds.
"God, there's so many. Fps, rpgs, platformers, even amazing old classic arcade games. The list is long."

"How about one from each catego-"
Alex starts.

Faster than the speed of sound, she becomes Eminem.

"Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 had a lot of diverse and entertaining zombies maps, even when some weren't good, they were still fun. While also having some of the best. And oh my god, No homo but I LOVED running trains of zombies on people in grief. The way that they'd panic and go down one by one was hilarious. Campaign was great too, had a very basic "choose what happens" concept, but it worked really well and was impressive for the time. It's no Detroit. BUT, there was an amazing actor in it, and most of the badass cast from first game. And lastly, personally, the multiplayer was my favorite out of all the CODs , but it wasn't that special, just the most nostalgic and enjoyable. I LOVEDDDD using a knife and tomahawks too. Ugh."
She moans/groans.

"But I think we're out of time on that category, moving on to-"
She says, stopping herself from going on more.

"Rpgs. Alright now hear me out. Bombs. Big bombs. And everyone lives in shelters for countless years, only to come out and form gambling addictions. Oh, and there's also very rude furries. Boom, Fallout: New Vegas. A true classic.."

"And... platformers?"
Alex asks, finally getting 2 words in.

"Okay not going to lie, I play them the least. So F. Buut, can I talk about another one in place of it?"

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