Until It Begins To Slip

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Heavy breaths flow rapidly in the morning sun. Beads of sweat cover his forehead before wiping them away. A refined wooden stick falls to the floor, echoing a thump throughout the hall. A puddle grows wider on the ground. And a black cat's paws prance softly along.

Alex shuts the front door behind him, pressing his back to it with eyes closed and a smile in his heart

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Alex shuts the front door behind him, pressing his back to it with eyes closed and a smile in his heart.

I want her... And she wants me. Wow.

A boy's words break through the silence of Alex thinking he was alone.

"Did your gIrLfRiEnD walk you home?"
Senid says from the right of the teen. Sat in the middle of the small staircase leading up to their bedrooms.

"Judging by that goofy smile I bet she diiiiiIIIIIiiid."

Alex darts his eyes to his brother.
"You better sleep with your helmet on tonight."

Senid puts his hands up, open in surrender. "No no, you misunderstand. I'm not judging you. Heck, if Milly walked me home I'd feel the same."

Alex's left fist raises into the air, aimed at the boy.

"I'm not teasing! I'm not teasing! She's really pretty and I see why you like her!"

Senid opens one eye, fearfully hoping a fist isn't about to launch at him.


Panicked girly screams echo throughout the house as four feet run up the stairs at once. The noise only stops, when Senid's door shuts with Alex on the other side, and a lock between them both.

"HeeeelMeT tOniiiiiGht."
Alex calls through the wood separating them.

A smirk shifts one side of his lips upward, as he thinks of his brother's words.

She is pretty.

The hurried step of a small dog scratches the back of Quiere's hand, waking him

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The hurried step of a small dog scratches the back of Quiere's hand, waking him. All three dogs exit the room as the front door swings open.

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