Crystals. Crystals Never Change. 💚🖤

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Remember that Hitler guy? Pretty neat. Ah nostalgia.

Well, you're about to meet a character who has been heavily affected by the angry German's actions. And no, he's not Jewish.

Ein. (Pronounced Eye-N. One syllable) is an American soldier, drafted into WW2 at 20, leaving behind a beautiful black haired wife and an infant daughter with the same wig. They weren't sure if he would ever be seen again.

On the brightside, his best friend also got drafted with him, and they were to be in the same squad. In fact, let's call his friend Bright. Lol

So, the two of them traveled the world together, killing Nazis and "the japs" for every new mission. Each time, they saw how tough it could be, the crystals alone that they saw were horrendous, not to mention the damage they caused on the battlefield.

One guy they met had watched a man get crushed by a german tank, he didn't even know him, but he still developed the ability. It affected him more than he realized. And soon, whenever he looked at someone with murderous intent, they would...
splat. The crystal was his pupil, but was barely noticeable because it shared the same shade, black.

Still, that's nothing compared to one Japanese General who gained his notoriety through sheer power alone. Hearing about dozens of his loved ones die to the bombing of Hiroshima, "The Nuke" developed an ability to physically create miniature nukes on any battlefield that he stepped on. Oh, and they didn't hurt him either. That's just the power of green crystals, The Crystals of Great Loss.

So, let's get to it.

One fateful night near the end of the war, The Nuke had arrived. All around them, bloody parts of their friendlies flew everywhere, it was devastating.

But, Bright had a plan. He always did. He wanted to flank The Nuke. And to his credit, it was a very thought out plan. Sadly, in order for a successful surprise, they needed some sacrifices.

As Bright and Ein snuck around, 30+ men got gunned down or blown up behind them.

On the battlefield, a female medic tucked herself into a trench. A man got shot, and she ran over to him.

"Hold on I got you!"
She shouted as she pressed her hands against the gunshot on his chest.

Instead of bleeding out, the spilled blood began to move. It had transformed itself into a red flower, with five petals. The shot didn't hurt anymore, in fact, -ploop- the bullet fell out from the center of the flower. The soldier was better, and then died 5 minutes later as a bullet hit his skull. Cool crystal though! Lol

So, I planned to let you theorize about this, but basically: The Medic lost her virginity in a way that she wasn't proud of, to a man that she didn't love. She shamed herself daily, until the area above her 'flower' spawned a yellow crystal. Years later though, she realized what a great ability she had, and as she entered the army, it turned pink.
The crystal.. not..

Anyway, their flank attack actually worked perfectly.


Ein's bullet pierced The Nuke's neck, and he fell. It's over, they could turn the tide!

But, behind Ein,


A Japanese soldier had Bright pinned against a tree, as a bayonet pierced his heart. He was dead, instantly.


The bloody bayonet slipped out, and no hesitation had stopped him before-


A bullet tore through Ein's intestines, and just like everyone around him, he fell.


A green crystal appeared on the back of his shaved head as he ly there.

The medic ran to him, she made it just in time. She shot the Japanese soldier, then tended to Ein. But, an intense rage filled him, until he let out a scream as his crystal began to glow. Everything around him shook as the entire ground cracked. Soldiers fell in, other's were crushed by trees that had been uprooted. Ein's loss had caused a massive earthquake.

However, it was unbiased, and happened to kill more of his men than theirs. So, him and his fellow Americans got captured.

32 years went by as he watched his friends get tortured daily. His once bright green crystal had gotten darker and darker with everything new he witnessed. One night, another terror of his began to shake the ground. He woke up to the entire complex being destroyed. He didn't hesitate to run into the dark woods.

He had passed a lot of dangerous looking places, but eventually stumbled into a very large city. Everyone looked so friendly and helped him. Hey why's there a squid and girl with pink hair on that sign?

The next day, he was finally back home via airplane. But he didn't feel home, even in his town. Until, he got back to his now grey haired wife. All this time, she stayed faithful and never remarried. It brought him down to Earth. But not only her, but it turns out, before running off with a deadbeat boyfriend, their daughter left them with a sweet 11 year old blond grandson, Senid.

Ein gave his heart and more to that boy, he was his own. He finally had a family, and none the less, the kid actually listened well and was very responsible! How rare is that? Lol

Eventually though, it all literally came crashing down. One night, he woke up screaming, and around him....

His wife was crushed under the top floor of their house, next to her sat Senid, on his knees crying. Destroyed remains of the once happy house sat around them.

Ein tried to approach him, but he just got shunned as his grandson hugged his dead wife and cried harder.

Ein's crystal faded from dark green, to a (top) half green - half black gradient.

As Senid sat on his knees, a lime green crystal formed on his right knee.

Time to get started.

And trust me, Ein's crystal has only gotten stronger.

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