New Friends 💛💙🐻💚💜

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"A therapist huh? You trying to tell me something kid?" Ein says to Senid, a few seconds after he hung up.

He hands the phone back to him.

The still blood covered turtle puppet rests on Senid's side, he wants to speak through the puppet, but no.

"Yes, I am. I'm concerned for you, and I'm concerned for everyone else that your trauma endangers."
Senid says, looking into his eyes.

Ein sighs.
"I tried therapy before son, it didn't work. And more than anything, it feels like they only care about your money. I don't know.."

Senid whines-

His grandpa glares at him for a brief second.

"But, I mean."
He says, in a respectful manner. "She's doing it for very low."

"Which means she's probably not qualified."

Senid kind of agrees. But she handled herself well and seemed very stable when they meant.

"Can you just give it a try? Once?"


Ein sighs. He wants it to work, but he doesn't believe therapy can help him. And even scarier, he doesn't want to get false hope.

"Okay. I'll text her about an appointment then."

Senid nods with a smile.

Ya know, still partially covered in blood. But they can take care of that, there's a creek nearby.


"Nice to meet you two. Now, I know the price is low, so your expectations probably are too, they should be, that makes sense. So, rather than seeing me as a therapist, how about seeing me as just somebody to talk to. I'd say friend, but that's reaaally corny. Oh, and to help that a bit, how about this. Lunch is on me, what would you two like?."
Zoey says proudly, sitting at a small brown table outside of Charsley's restaurant.

They get their food, Charsley personally delivers (yk, magically), and they begin talking.

Buuut, I'm not showing that. There's not much to show, and honestly I'm not a qualified therapist either, so I have no idea how one of the biggest mental disorders could be helped. But I will say this, Zoey has caught Ein's attention, and they go back. This continues for a few weeks, and with the help of Zoey's talks + medication, Ein has less night terrors. They.. love it.

And when he does have the occasional bad night, the cracks in the ground are only a foot long, compared to the other night when Senid turned his soon-to-be-crater into a 10 foot crevice.

Senid feels safer, they all do. And, when Ein told her about his terrifying ability, Zoey didn't freak out. She treated him like a man who needed help, and she wanted to offer that.

Hooray, everything is better! And it will definitely remain that way forever! Yayyy!

Let's move on. 2 weeks later, let's jump into one of their sessions.

Senid sits next to Ein on Zoey's couch, wearing a monkey puppet on his left hand. Zoey sits in her chair across from them.

As they're talking about Ein's life before the war (He was a part time mechanic, when cars were easier), an interruption appears.

Behind Zoey, a tall man with a slim shaved goatee steps out, wearing a green-orange headband, a t-shirt, and... boxers, showing off his hairy legs.

"Er, Zoey."
Ein says.

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