Senid's Therapeutic Trip to Town

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Tommy steps out of the shower, drying off, then wiping the condensation off the mirror.

"Looking good."
He smirks.

He notices a new bottle of shaving cream on the bathroom counter.

"Thank you Zoe."
He happily says.


Senid yawns as he sits up. The morning sun calmly pierces the tent's wall, hitting his face.

(It's hotter than hel- heck)
He thinks, censoring himself.

Grandpa doesn't like unnecessary swearing, but then again.

(Wait he can't hear me. I am on fucking fire right heckin now. Haha. Got him.)

He rolls over to the fox puppet laying next to his pillow.

"Good morning Quake. I see you rolled off of your bed in the night."

Next to the puppet, another, smaller pillow with a blanket rest on top of a piece of cardboard.

Senid puts the puppet on his left hand, then steps out of the tent, it's a nice sunny morning. Well actually, he doesn't know what time it is.

"Gramps, you up?"

Ein groans back to him.

He's not much of a morning guy, despite the stereotype with old people. Senid is though, grandma used to wake him up early for breakfast before school.

Ein steps out of his tent with a yawn, shielding his eyes from the retina burning sun.

He says, going back in. Stepping out a second later with his old pair of sunglasses on and a gardener hat.

"You look like grandma."
Senid giggles.

"You know I have a gun, right?"

Quake immediately puts his paw over Senid's mouth as his eyes widen.

Ein laughs, then pats the Quake's head.

"So, what'd you make for breakfast kid?"

"Nothing yet, buuuut"

He reaches into their cooler.

"How do omelettes sound?" :)

"What, no pep-"

Senid stops him by pulling green peppers out too.

"Good kid."
Ein chuckles.

They eat breakfast listening to their old radio and talking about the songs. They listen to Folk music, a charming, relaxing song always makes their morning.

Senid gets ready to go to town, he's got a mission for today.

(Oh, one last thing.)

He walks over to a wooden chest next to his tent and opens it. Inside are a dozen animal puppets like Quake.

He sets Quake in there gently, and replaces him with a dusty ol' turtle puppet. The one that his grandpa gave him when he finally got back from the war.

(I'll need you today.)

An eagle could've been fitting too, but old Ein likes this more. The turtle (to him) represents Independence, Intelligence, and Integrity. Grandpa always wants Senid to remember these three traits. Along with the most important, Patience.

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