Nerf or Nothin

39 7 121

At the crack of dawn, a way too bright sun blasts through the black horizon, making the sky a rose red, orange, and yellow.

Under the sky, stands Ein and Senid, who wears no puppet in his left hand for once.

It's their first day of training.

"Alright, we'll start by you taking the gun out of it's case."
Ein says, opening the box.

Senid reaches in, and safely picks up the illegal, double barreled, sawed off shotgun. (Remember FBI, fictional universe, I'm not encouraging possession of illegal firearms.)

"Alright, aim it."

Senid does, but not very well.

Ein chuckles.
"Hand it here, I'll show you.

*Gun moving around sounds*

Ein aims in, butt to his shoulder, cheek resting softly on it, and left hand on the underside of the ungripped barrel. His right eye lazers down the sight, aiming to a big piece of bark they're using as a target.

"Now, you hold it."

He hands it back, and Senid nearly gets it. Ein adjusts the boy's smaller shoulder into better position, and presses his cheek into the gun a little more.

"Remember this Senid. That barrel there, is an extension of your eye. Line it up perfectly, and your eyes are the gun. Now, it may be off at first, but you'll get better. Got it?"

He calmly responds.

"You ready to start shooting?"

Senid looks at him.

The safety clicks off, then


The left corner of the bark gets ripped off.

"Not bad. Ready to fire again?"

"Yes sir."
Senid nods, with his shoulder slightly hurting.


He adjusted his aim, but is still a bit off the middle. Just a little to the right this time, closer to the center(Vertically) of the board than before.

"Doing great kid. Now, let's teach you how to load it."

Fast forward to 3 weeks later, and Senid is a bit more experienced.

He can toggle the safety, aim fairly well, load it, and clean it by himself. The only problem is after firing, his shoulder does hurt a little because of the recoil, but he's doing good.

Now, he's just got to get used to WHY he's doing all this. It's not easy, but Senid understands.

(Maybe I should bring it up in therapy today?) He thinks, looking at Ein while they get ready.

Senid puts on a Lion Cub Puppet, then they start heading into town. He rides along on his bike while Ein walks.

In town, a car stops at a stop light. Inside, the driver seems to be panicking, as the yellow-green-orange from top to bottom crystal on his wrist glows.

I literally have this guy's name in my notes as "Clock Boi", so I guess we'll go with that lol.

His ability, is quite convenient. All he has to do is think "how long until this.", and numbers shine in his crystal, counting down. Whatever the upcoming event is, minor things like "how long til I make it to work" to how long he has to live, or even others. It is always right.

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