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An alarm begins beeping loudly, awaking the demon in the bed next to it. She reaches over and turns it off before letting out a loud roar that shakes the building around her. Paintings fall off the walls and windows shatter, falling onto people running for their lives on the street below. Nah just kidding, it's just Zoey waking up. Which is still pretty accurate to be honest. Lol.

"Well good morning beautiful." She says to herself.

"Oh my, good morning to you too. ;P" She once again, says to herself.

A few minutes of her laying there and looking up to the ceiling go by.


"Okay. I'll get up." She groans, finally admitting defeat.

So she rolls out of bed and begins her morning routine, which involves taking a shit, doing a fun combination of exercises, making herself breakfast (which is an omelet today), and eating it watching more of her current favorite show before going out the door and walking to work. It's usually pretty peaceful, it's not this morning.

She stepped outside of her apartment building to immediately be greeted by the lovely sight, and sound of her apartment owner 'Mr. Chen' yelling at some bum in the alleyway.

"Bottom line is you need to get the hell out of my alleyway, or I'm calling the authorities!" Mr. Chen shouted.

"What is it geezer? Too old to get rid of me yourself?" The bum intimidatingly said back to the old man as he got in his face.

"That's it! I'm calling the cops!" Mr. Chen shouted. But before he could, his phone got snatched right out of his hands.

"And how are you gonna do that exactly ;P" The bum teased, holding the phone above the short old man.

Now, this had got on Zoey's nerves a little bit, Mr. Chen was a nice old guy, and was never late on anything that broke down in the apartment building. He's a good manager. So Zoey didn't take too kindly to this asshole's behavior.

She stepped into the alleyway and picked up the bum's bottle of vodka.

"Hey prick." She announced.

The bum turned around to see Zoey, in her light blue tank top, about to smash his vodka into the concrete wall of the alley.

So, a couple thoughts went through Tommy's head.
(I'm not scared of her.)
And also
But he wasn't about to give up his dominance to this 5'7 puppy.

"Ha! Do that, and it won't be just this phone that I break." He threatened.

"So how about a trade?" Zoey suggested, holding the bottle towards him.

Tommy put on a fake thinking face for a few seconds. He'd already made up his mind...

"KK :)"

He grabbed the vodka from Zoey, and tossed the phone into the air behind him. Mr. Chen barely caught it.

Tommy unscrewed the lid from the bottle. "I was gonna give it back anyway, I just wanted to see if I could tame ya first ;P"

He soon realized that Zoey was the wrong person to say that to, because as soon as he tried to take a drink, he got a gut full of knee.

Vodka spurted out everywhere (including onto Zoey's shirt) as Tommy fell to his hands and knees.

*Cough cough!*
"Okay, got it. You win."
Tommy struggled to say as he weakly put a thumbs up.

Zoey smiled smugly.

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