The Journey to Her

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"Backpack? Check.
Water? Check.
Snacks? Big Check.
Headband? Check."
Alrighty, Tommy is ready to go!"
He excitedly exclaims.

Lol, if this was a show, this is where the intro would play. I imagine something with actual lyrics and cool background like a cartoon or an anime opening preferably. Not like the mainstream shows with just a tune, I kind of hate that. Honestly I kind of imagine all of this as an anime a little bit. I'd love it if it were someday. Anyway, back to the story. Intro over lol.

It's Friday. Zoey doesn't have work on the weekends, and she gets off at 2pm on Friday's. Tommy, who struggles to follow directions, rolls himself all the way to Zoey's work. Which is a mile out of town, the same road they're leaving on.

"So this is where you work huh? Seems fun." Tommy tells her at the end of the long driveway.

"Yeah definitely. I've built a bond with most of the animals. :)"
She replies.

"Oh, and who's that?" He says in a sly tone as Zoey's co-worker catches his eye down the driveway.

"OH?" Zoey teases back. "Her name is Emma. I could get you her number if you'd like. She likes tall dudes so."

"I may take you up on that when we get back to town. But for now, you ready to go?"

"I am if you are. :P"

He nods, whooshes in a pair of rollerblades for Zoey, and they set off.

An hour goes by of them rolling down the countryside, until they come across something a little unique.

"Holy shit, Zoe. Check that out." Tommy says as he stops and points to a horse.

He's standing against the fence, eating some grass on their side. It's a normal horse all in all. Except for the orange crystal on it's forehead.

"Have you ever seen that before?"
He asked, stunned.

"I've seen it on a few dogs at the shelter. I've heard that it's common in like, circus animals, especially elephants. But I certainly haven't ever seen a horse with one." She replies.

"Do you think it's safe to go near him?" Tommy asks in a cautious tone.

Zoey begins to slowly walk towards the horse.

"Heyyy buddy." She calmly says, getting his attention.

He looks towards her. He doesn't seem scared. That's a good sign, right?

She gets closer, placing her hand softly on his snout, and begins petting him.

She senses something from the horse. It feels like comfort is rare for him.

"Tommy, get over here." She whisper-shouts to him.

He slowly makes his way over to her. As he puts his hand on the horse's snout, the horse winces and steps back.

(It was a man who caused that crystal on him, wasn't it?) Tommy thinks as he steps back. Thoughts of his father go through his head.

"What kind of monster would do that to an animal?" He says aloud.

Zoey looks into Tommy's eyes, they share a look of understanding.

Zoey clicks her tongue a few times, and the horse makes its way back over to her. She gestures for Tommy to come back over.

He puts his hand on the horse's forehead, right over the crystal.

"We're similar, aren't we bud?"
He says, petting the horse.

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