A Flame's Awakening

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When I first met my wife, my eyes took complete control of my brain. I began constantly thinking about her. Her enchanting locks. Her beautiful smile. The sweet way she talked to her friends. And even more incredibly, the kind way that she talked to strangers. Strangers like myself. That's all I was to her. But to me, she was the woman that I wanted to marry. She was smart. Hardworking. Kinder than anyone I've ever met. And loyal. A woman like her is hard to find, no doubt. She was an amazing one.

But an amazing man? That's even harder to find.

Senid, I want you to be the best man that you can be when you fall in love. And even outside of love. You hear me now? Treat that lovely young lady well, or I'll come down there and buy a cane just to smack you with.

Love, as always,
Grandpa Ein.

Senid smiles in his sheets, before dimming the bedside lamp.

I hope that she falls for me too someday.

Page 2

The darkness fades away, but not to a welcoming dawn. Streetlights drift further behind them, although the light was barely visible through the blindfold anyway. The noise of the musty car's engine is suffocated by the screams of static in her head, getting louder and louder. The belt tightened around her wrists constricts the blood, but she doesn't need it. No part of her feels the need to move. No part of her feels the need to breathe. No part of her feels. No part, is her.

Every time he speaks it muffles and distorts, hiding his disgusting voice from her ears. But every time, the sharp fucking ache in her mind grows like a ravine in the earth's crust. A small, insignificant moisture dampens the cloth, slowly slipping down her cheeks onto the torn cotton seats below.

Help me. Somebody, please.

The gentle vibration around her stops, before she feels the warmth of another's skin over her bound hands.

Too mUch warmth!

His balmy breath creeps through his teeth into her facial pores, before they pierce her neck without warning. It's mild pain. But for once, it doesn't feel good to Milly.

In one hand, she feels nothing. Like it's frozen in place. In the opposing, the one melting with his inside of it, it boils. A sensation she's never felt before.

"Baby, let's head inside."

Her body rises with the weight of a train trying to pull her towards the gravel below. Like even her matter itself doesn't want to be carried into his intentions.

Canines. BloOd.
Her senses scream at the metallic aroma rushing up their noses as the howls of hounds echo.

The crunch of plastic and electrical wires snap under them as a wooden door creaks open.

"This is where I fell in love with the mental pieces of you, mi querida. Not just your outer-"
He pauses to allow for unwanted caresses along her entire figure. "Surface."

"Before you, it was just a room. The walls weren't even soundproof. It never got to feel like... mine. But once I saw your curly naranja hair at work, and heard your loud, yet soft, quirky, and squeaky voice through the microphone, talking... to ME. That's when it became our kingdom."

Her back lands gently atop the bed in the midst of his small, tormented palace.

"I love you. Y I've loved you since the moment you entered my life, Milly."


"So please, never leave it. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me."

His tone isn't forceful any longer. It's weak, vulnerable. The words come out slower than an hour ago in his car.

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