Can He Be Happy, After All That He's Been Through?

48 8 74

*Trigger Warning!*

One when Alex tests his crystal, one at the end with the background crystals.

Senid, Zoey, Tommy and Alex are all standing in a large field. Tall buildings from the city are in the distance, and just over the nearest hill, Ein sits on a log relaxing as he watches the show.

"Welcome class to Senid's recruitment camp, where if you want in, you've got to be the best of the best. UNDERSTOOD?!?"
Senid shouts, pacing back and forth in front of the other 3.

Zoey giggles.
She salutes.

Alex shouts.

Tommy chuckles.

"You, maggot. Do you think THIS IS FUNNY?" Senid yells, approaching him.

Tommy towers over him twice fold. Senid looks up into his eyes.

"Drop and give me 20, headband!"

Tommy looks to Zoey, (seriously?) his face says.

Senid pokes his chest, making Tommy look back to him.

"Alright, I guess we're actually doing this." He says, dropping onto his chest.

"One... Two... Thr..."
He fails the third pushup, so Senid plops himself down on Tommy's back, and makes him keep going.

Once he gets to 10, he shows mercy.

"Alright alright, you can stop."

Tommy plops down and starts praying. "Oh thank you, I'll never be sassy to you again God." He says, looking to the sky.

Senid laughs, breaking his straight face, before

"It's not God that you should be praying to... Stand up."

He does, and mouths the word "help" to Zoey, who's standing to his left.

"Now, you know what you're here for maggot, SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT!" Senid demands.

"Okay okay one second."
Tommy wheezes.
"Fuck I'm a lazy bastard."

He gathers his breath, then-

The underside of Tommy's right flip flop begins to glow a bright yellow.


He's got his rollerblades on.

"Is that all!?!?"
Senid questions loudly.

"You bet your underage ass that it's not." He laughs.

His Crystal glows again, then-

All of their shoes get replaced with rollerblades, including Ein who's a good 40 feet away.

"Boom. Nooow that's all I've got."

Senid squints.
"Hmm. Alright cadet, you've impressed me. I can make good use out of your ability. BUT ANY SLIP UP, AND YOU'RE OUT, UNDERSTOOD!?"

Tommy laughs.

Senid chuckles as he steps over to Zoey.

"You. Don't expect me to take it easy on you because you're a girl! Your cooties can't protect you here!"

"Yes sergeant!"
She says back.

"Good! So what are you here to do?!??"

"Impress you sir!"
She plays along.

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