Earth-Splitting Innocence 💚 (Start)

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Alex sits in his hospital bed staring out the window, before looking back to the open comic book in his lap. Nobody is visiting today. He sighs, then decides to rest.

Charsley stands in the hot kitchen of his restaurant, surrounded by some employees.
A bell dings.

He steps to the counter.

"You the next lucky customer?"
He cheerfully asks, looking down to a boy on the other side of the counter.

The 11 year old wears a lime green helmet with pink stripes going across it. His shirt matches.

He nods.
"A BLT sub please."

"Alllright. That'll be 6 bucks."

The kid reaches into his left pocket, then drops the money onto the counter. Although, it's not his hand that he uses. Covering his left hand, is an orange and white fox puppet.

Charsley smiles, picking up the 5.
"You keep the 1, I'll cover it. That puppet is the coolest thing I've seen today."

As Charsley walks away, "the fox" picks up the $1, and puts it into the tip jar. His grandpa always taught him to be generous, especially to hard workers.

Charsley pulls a sub's toasted bread from the oven, then walks back over.

His brown crystal glows, 5 pieces of bacon appear, then with a slight flame going over them, they cook. A tomato appears next, getting diced as it falls onto the bread. Lastly, he grabs a head of cabbage from the counter behind him because making a full head of cabbage just for 2 leaves is tiring. Lol

He puts mayo on it, wraps it up, and slides it to the kid.

"Thank you."
He says, making the fox bow as he does.

He leaves, but we'll see him again.

Meanwhile, Zoey and Tommy are at work. Together at the pet shelter, Tommy holds a big bulldog still while she rinses the shampoo off.

"I can't- ack! He keeps squirming."
Tommy says, struggling.

Zoey turns the hose off, and glares at him. "Do you need me to hold the horrifying big puppy instead?" She sarcastically says.

He nods.

Zoey chuckles as they switch spots.

"Oh, you are such a momma's boy."

Tommy sprays her with the hose.

"Oh wow look at you, you could win a wet t-shirt contest for sure."
He laughs.

It's a sexual remark, sure. But Zoey doesn't mind. And the fact that it's Tommy doesn't hurt that uwu.

"Teddy, sick him."
She says, encouraging the dog to attack Tommy. But, Teddy likes him more, so all he does is


(Aw, such cute disgusting slobber)
Tommy thinks, getting attacked.

They finish bathing the dog, clock out, and ride home together on Tommy's rollerblades.

They pick up lunch from Charsley's work (but he was on break), then go to the park, eating fast so that they can get home.

A week ago, Tommy bought an old PlayStation 2 from a pawn shop, and they've both been playing it together for an hour before Charsley gets home.
As a kid, he would play with the PS2 with his mom, and this let him kind of relive those times.

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