Tommy's Regrets 💛 (End)

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"Fight back, and I slit your throat."

The voice isn't out loud, it's like it's in Tommy's head, but it's not his.

"Now, you're going to peacefully come with me back to my RV, and you're getting me some bounty money. Got it scumbag?"

Tommy nods.


Tommy's crystal shines bright, rollerblades appear on both of their feet, and Tommy jumps forward.

They both fall off the dock.

The attacker lands back first into a big rock sticking out before they both land in the water.


Seconds later, a voice calls from the road.


"Mom?.." He struggles to say, as bubbles flood out of his mouth and he sinks further into the cold, dark lake.


He pushes off the pond's floor and jumps out of the water!

"Zo-" He tries to shout, but a hand covers his mouth. He can't speak. It's not just the hand, he knows, he can't speak!

He gets pulled under the water in a headlock. He struggles but it doesn't change anything. The voice speaks again.

"A bit more complicated than I hoped for, but you're not that bad. How long do you think you can hold your breath, buddy?"

(Why the hell does he have me in a chokehold. Did he lose his knife in the water?) Tommy thinks.

He feels around.

(Ow, dick!)
Something bites his hand!

(Oh wait)
He thinks, as he realizes that he just cut himself on the knife.

With one quick motion (well, as quick as you can underwater), he grabs the knife and...

The voice internally shouted in Tommy's head as he stabbed him in the thigh!

The attacker releases him, and Tommy grabs the nearest rock before-


He swims to the surface, and the unconscious body floats up after.

The body's face interests Tommy.
Right where his mouth is supposed to be, is a sideways red Crystal.

(Heh, that kinda looks like lipstick.) He thinks, before grabbing the knife from the attacker's leg. (Evidence :P)

He swims away, and waddles his way onto the shore.

"Zoey!?" He calls out as he walks up the small hill up to the road. On the road though, he realizes that the fun isn't over.

There on her knees is Zoey, in the middle of the street with rollerblades on . A man is standing behind her with a gun to her head. (A handgun to be exact ;P)

"Tommy!" She shouts as the man behind her raises the gun to be aimed at him.

Tommy quickly puts his hands above his head. "Hey now, hold on a sec."

The man's finger tightens on the trigger. "Unless you want to become a dead bounty, and have blood on your hands," He says, gesturing his gun to Zoey. "walk over here slowly, just like that."

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