Trapped... 💜

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Prologue 3.

As we all know, trauma is a very real and powerful thing. And I believe we can do things to ease this trauma, but I also believe we can do things that dig it deeper. And sometimes (even if it's just a little bit), I think it can clog our judgement of reality, to the point where we may as well be trapped in our own version of the world, where we don't see everything clearly. That's pretty much the case with our third and final character, for now. And heads up, maybe he's a bit relatable, but a lot less sympathizable than the other two.

His name is Alex, and you're actually going to meet him in the current timeline. At the confusing age of 16,  Alex has a lot of anxiety, and to be fair, you can't hold it against him too much considering his life. His normal school day consists of him going to school, where he's got a friendly relationship with all his classmates and teachers, even though deep down he thinks that they're idiots compared to him, which is in no way true. And he gets teased by a group of girls ever since they found out that he likes one of them. It's really just such a fun energy to be around for half the day.

His relationship with his parents is distant too, even though they're very loving. It's mostly because as soon as he gets home, he goes straight to his room to practice his keyboard piano. He likes playing, but the more he thinks about it, the more he hates himself for not being able to play it well, even though he's great at it, like I said. By himself, he's managed to fan the small flames of trauma with his own mind to make the fire larger than it was.

But one day, his pessimistic and bitter world view completely flipped right side up when another girl that he has a crush on (one that doesn't tease him), told him that she likes him. "Is she my savior?" Alex thought for a brief few seconds before he said that he likes her back. So yay, a few weeks of dating goes by and it goes well. The puppy love is very strong and annoying to everyone around them. But still, it was sweet. That didn't last too long though, because one day Alex asked himself something; "What if she leaves me? I'll have no one.." and as you can assume, that thinking led to a bad place. Both in Alex's mind, and in the real world too.

After a few more weeks of him telling his girlfriend "If you leave me, I'll kill myself.", she thought it was finally time to break up with him, just as anyone in their right mind would. But the break up didn't exactly go smoothly. She showed up at his house, and told him the news at the front door because she felt too scared to do it inside his room. It turns out though, that she underestimated how he would react, it was like nothing she's ever seen. As soon as the words "I'm breaking up with you." left her mouth, it began. He just stood in the doorway quietly, looking to the floor as a purple crystal had formed on his left cheek, the spot that she first kissed him.

"Alex?.." she managed to barely get out before a bright flash of purple blinded her eyes. She felt something cold and metal wrap around her. She reopened her eyes to see a series of glowing purple chains around every limb of her body, neck included, all of them coming out of Alex's hoodie where his ribs sit. She tried to talk, maybe reason with him, but she was too scared. All she could get out was a weak "Please.. don't...". He saw how scared she was, he loved it.

He began laughing in the face of her complete shock. "Baby, do you really think I would do something like that?". He said, holding in laughter. After a few moments of her saying nothing, she felt the chains tighten.

"No!" She screamed quickly, but only to make him happy, out of hope that he'd let her free. The chains disappeared, and she fell to her knees, breathing heavily. Relieved.

He kneeled down and whispered in her ear. "Now take it back.".
Fearing that he would do it again, she agreed, she un-broke up with him. "Good. Now tell me how much you love me." He ordered.

"I... I love you more than the world itself Alex..." She said, choking up. All he let out in response was a smile, before kissing her on the lips. She hated it. "So, see you tomorrow beautiful?" he asked, but it felt like he had a gun to her head. She nodded, and after getting his permission, she walked home.

Alex never saw her again, and as you can assume, he doesn't react well. That will take some time to get to though, so for now, enjoy the story going forward.

To Be Continued.

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