Charsley's Cave (Part 2)

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The old man watches people come and go through the front doors. You see, as a kid, he would play in the old field that was there before, along with all of the friends that he grew up with. It was THEIR spot. Everyday after high school, they'd all carpool in his truck there, just to lie in the back together and talk. The girl that he loved was one of his friends, when he finally asked her out, it was there, alone, and years later, they had their wedding there. It saddens him, seeing people mindlessly getting trashy food in a place that means much to him. But honestly, he's used to it, this happens a lot in his old age. Industry always grows.

Inside of his head, a yellow crystal glows, making his eyes glow too. A tiny piece of the shattered crystal appears in his left hand.

He sighs.
"Goodbye old friend."

His eyes glow again, as the once pretty yellow fragment, turns into two grey, tangled brain cells, that quickly teleport back into his head.

His ability, allows him to kill memories at will, or even, gift them to other people. However, parts of his crystal are lost in the process, making it a cracked yellow chunk that keeps getting smaller. And, just like Alzheimers in our world, it spreads to his other brain cells too. It's too late to worry anymore though, he's already forgotten his wife long ago.


Forget that sad stuff tho, let's move on. (Haha get it, forget.)

After BK, they stopped with Ein to drop Senid's groceries off, then kept driving. Eventually,
Charsley's car stops, and everyone steps out. Beside the car, they all stand there.

Left to right.
Alex. Senid. Tommy. Zoey, and once he walks around to the passenger side, Charsley.

"Well, here, is my very beautiful, old, crumby house." He says.

Just like his Crystal, it's a brown house (and a 1 story), which actually had something to do with how he got it. His "brown house" was more of a mental state, than a place. But, he's moved past the trauma of losing his brother. So don't hurt the mood, he's happy.

An old woman steps out the door, with a warm smile on her face. It's his mother.

He hugs her, she hugs Zoey, they greet each other, and head inside. 2 of his siblings still live at home with her, one is 2 years younger than Charsley, and one is a year older. (28 ^). After Charsley spends some wholesome time with them as the rest chill doing other things, the gang head to his old room.

"Here you go, just as it was when you moved." His younger brother says, outside the door. Charsley pats his brother's head playfully, his brother goes to his own room, and the 5 of them walk in.

"So um.. don't judge me."
He nervously chuckles, as the door opens.

Tommy gets excited to tease him.

It's a medium sized room with yellow painted walls, covered in anime posters. And.. a My Little Pony one. Lol.

"I lost.. to this..."
Tommy says, blankly staring.

"Ya just can't compete man. It's too cool." Charsley sarcastically says.

"Not gonna lie, I've watched all of these." Alex says.
"I have too much free time..."

Senid isn't going to admit it, but he also used to watch MLP eating cereal before school. And Zoey did as well, but like, duh.

(Kill me)

Also in the room, resting in the corner over the brown carpet, is a large drum set.

"Dude, no way you play drums."
Tommy excitedly says.

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