Corrupted Kid. 💜 (Start)

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Um. Okay how do I start this.

Hi, welcome back to MentalDisorderLand! This is your Captain Adam speaking. If you look to your left you can see somebody with abandonment issues, and if you look to your right, some bipolar half-asshole!
Now up ahead there is a gift shop, and a donation box that is completely optional, but there if you enjoyed the tour and would like to tip. We would greatly appreciate it. Thank you for visiting and we hope to see you next time :)

Haha anyway. A bit has changed in Zoey's life since Tommy went to jail. For starters, it's 2 years later from their perspective. Alex, is still 16, because this Arc takes place right after his backstory.

Anyway, I'll start with her daily routine.

She wakes up and cuddles with her boyfriend Charsley for a few minutes before getting up and going about how she usually does. On her way home, her stops at her favorite restaurant have a little bit more affection to them. And she goes on with the rest of her day until he gets home from work, they talk about their days, and eat a light dinner watching an episode of "Soul Eater" (one of my first and personal favorite animes), shower separately (Zoey reads while he showers, he lays down waiting for her), then Zoey lays down and gets cuddled by the grizzly bear that is Charsley. They love each other a lot, and have been together for nearly a year and a half.

Now now, I know what some people might be thinking. Zoey and Tommy were pretty romantic, but it's been two years since then, move on. Besides Tommy's in jail, do you expect the relationship to last off of conjugal visits alone? Ha.

Speaking of Tommy and his jail sentence. Every Saturday they take a trip (using Charsley's car) to the city that Tommy is jailed in to visit him together. Tommy and Charsley actually have a pretty good friendship. He would be lying if he said that he wasn't jealous of Charsley, but hey, they're all adults who respect each other. And they're all very excited to spend time together when Tommy gets out. Which happens to be soon, so don't you worry :P

However, neither Tommy or Charsley are the focus of this arc, so I don't want you to only think about them please. Nah the real case study is Alex. So, how does Zoey meet him exactly? I mean I might as well say that straight up because we all know that she's going to meet him lol.

Well, it occurs one afternoon when Zoey is going down to Tommy's favorite bar to pick up a bottle of his favorite vodka. You know, for the upcoming celebration. However, in the bar, a fight seems to be going down. A strange one. A short teenage boy is standing in the middle of the room, with purple chains coming out of his black hoodie, tied around the bartender who is on his knees in front of him.

"You're underage, I can't serve you!" The bartender pleas.

"You're misunderstanding. I didn't ask you to serve me, I told you. Now fucking do it!" The teen yells back.

The bartender sees Zoey enter.

"You, ma'am. Please, call the police!" He cries.

Alex looks back at her. His purple gem flashes before another chain appears, attached to Zoey's side. She quickly hits the chain, and it surprisingly snaps. He tries to bring out more, but not before Zoey picks up a stool and


He falls to the ground, all of his chains releasing at once.

A few minutes go by.
Zoey talks the bartender into borrowing Alex ("he's my brother."), thanks him for the free vodka, then carries Alex to her apartment on her shoulders (as if he's a drunk friend), waving to the pedestrians walking by.

Halfway home, she takes a sip of the vodka.

"Ugh.. well at least Tommy will like it."

She makes it home, and lays Alex down on her couch.

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