Charsley's Cave (Part 1)

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It's dark, the clock says 4am.

In her bathroom mirror, Zoey stands in her fuzzy, pink kitty-cat pajamas, with a light blue tank top on, and messy hair hanging down. She's got a sad look in her eyes, almost disappointed.

She takes a deep breath.
"I believe in you Zoey. Come on girl."

She picks up a zebra striped hairbrush off of the counter, and holds it in her left hand.

She lifts her right hand towards the mirror, her crystal begins to glow.

The brush flies quickly towards the mirror. A small *thud* is heard, but not loud, it was the brustle side that hit the mirror.
She's been practicing this, trying not to wake up Tommy or Charsley in the meantime.

Before the hairbrush falls, it begins flying back to Zoey.
A large smile spreads across her face as the brush flies directly into Zoey's right hand.

She closes her eyes.
(I did it.) {)
She thinks, satisfied.

The next morning.

"Hey, need a hand there?"
Tommy asks Charsley, who's loading boxes of food into the trunk of his car, his long black hair in a ponytail.

"No offense, but do I look like I need a hand?" He says back, before bending over and picking up 3 boxes, pyramid style.

"Oh shoot okay show off. I get it, you're a unit." Tommy jokingly exclaims.

Charsley laughs.

Then, a bell dings behind them.

"Ayyy, Senid, little watermelon man. What's up?" You can guess who said that.

He hops off his bike. On his right hand, a yellow duck puppet chills, with a swirl of yellow 'hair' on it's head, and a blue Q on his chest (The Q stands for Quacklez :P)

"Just riding through the neighborhood. What's with all the food?" Senid responds.

Tommy goes to speak, but Charsley kindly interrupts, the second that his head pops out of the trunk.

"We're going to my parent's place out of town and I wanted to bring them some freshly cooked affection from the restaurant."

"That's sweet. I'd do the same thing for my grandparents if I could cook well."

Charsley looks at him.
"Hm. Maybe I could teach you a little bit sometime."

"If you would sir."

Charsley chuckles.
"Of course."

Just then, a hideous beast approaches behind them.

"Oh, hey fucktard. You slept in."
Tommy says to Zoey. He loooves her.

"Yeah I know, sorry about that."
She says, yawning.
"By the way, hi Senid."

He waves to her.

Charsley shuts the trunk.
"I just got done loading everything, so good timing. You ready?"

She nods, arm behind her head during a stretch.

"Are you tagging along Sen?"
She asks.

He initially says no because he has groceries and his bike that needs to be taken home, but they convince him to leave his bike inside Zoey's apartment, and hop in. They can drop off the groceries on the way out of town.

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