The Date: Part 3 (Missappointment)

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Milly and Alex walk along the mall's lanes full of miniature stores, talking to each other in little snips. While they pass a Victoria's Secret, Milly teases Alex about going in together. He brushes it off, tempted with a chuckle, and continue towards the bathrooms.

She's been ignoring it, but as they get closer, the fuzziness in her head grows stronger. Static. No. Muffles. Just- Noise!

Alex asks her something, but she doesn't hear it.

They part once he approaches the door Milly plops her butt down onto the soft, leathery train car themed bench as she tries to focus.

(Com3 on MLiiy. You n3ed to stay here. You're actπally hitTing it 0ff.)

Rubbing on her forehead seems to do nothing. The bathroom door shuts behind her, and the last thing she sees is her feet on the ground.


(What do I do? Should I call Zoey. Do I shake her a little?) "Milly?!?" (I- what's happening.?)

His heart thumps through the dark blue shirt as his hands leave the side of his head, falling into his lap. He decides to sit down and take a few deep breaths.

A few beeps are heard, unlocking his S shaped phone pattern, and he swipes quickly to Zo-

(Ah, hell!)

Alex's phone hits the hard floor. But

(Oh thank you!)
He thinks, calming down as he peeks to the screen.


Typing out a text to Zoey, he stops himself to look over to Milly.

(What if something is wrong with her? And what if she doesn't want just everybody to know? But what if I need to help her?)

He types out the text, but closes his phone instead of sending. Setting it in his soft pocket, he looks around at all the people walking around.

A few minutes of deep breaths go by before he looks at Milly again. Her nose is small, yet kind of pointy.

(Her lips are kind of condensed, like they were pushed in towards the center of them. It's cute, and only compliments her more.)


(Did she.. try to do her own eyebrows?..)

He looks down to his lap where his hands rest. Then back to her. It feels as if... looking at her face calms him down.

But, his brain resorts to where it always goes. Fighting with itself.

(You did this with her too, you know?)


(Yeah, but it wasn't just the face I'd admire. With Milly.. I could stare at just her face for hours.)


(Ha, just her face, what a redundant sentence. As if I need more.)


(But what if I'm being rude right now?)

(Oh god, everyone can see me staring!)

He chuckles to himself, leaning back and taking his eyes off of her. But not his mind, as the hour passes.

A Dark Blue light flickering from under Milly's beanie catches Alex off guard, but he's ready for whatever may happen.


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