The Funeral Flashback 💚🖤

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A prepubescent Senid sits alone in his bedroom. Chin, smaller than it is now. Blonde hair, shorter and combed neatly. His eyes lack an important piece of glass. And the top of his head, bearing no helmet.

No posters decorate the blank white walls around him, and only a few cardboard boxes sit on the floor. Except for one important large wooden chest.

The old metal hinges creak as the lid opens.

The boy stares to his collection of animal puppets. He graces the paw of one, reminiscing on when it was made.
It seems impossible to empty Ein from his mind today.

He takes a sigh, before two silent knocks are heard at the door. Alex.

Senid opens the door for him, after gently closing, and locking the old chest.

Black attire is usual for him, but not the tie, or white contrast in the middle of the tuxedo. The white buttons on Alex's sleeves are the first things he notices, as the teen softly half-waves his left hand.

Finally, their windows connect. Alex looking down to Senid with eyes that display the same soft emotions that were conveyed in the wave before.

"Are you ready?"

Threads of blonde bangs shake sideways slowly.

A small part of Senid's white tuxedo darkens with a teardrop from above.

"Do you want to wear my hoodie?.."
Alex asks, sincerity in his voice.
"It's cold outside."
Though that's not why he's offering.

This time, the blonde bangs shift forward, then back. The consequence of a nod.

"One minute."

The boy looks away from the empty doorway, and focuses his gaze on a specific box, that bares a cold piece of deadly metal, and a notebook.

"Hey, look at me."
Alex's voice interrupts his thoughts.
He obeys.

"It's a little big, but"

And just like that, Senid stands there, wearing the black and purple-ribbed hoodie, with arms that are slightly too long. As he jiggles the dangling sleeves, Alex steps forward.


Tommy reclines himself sideways in the backseat of Charsley's car, arms behind his back.

The lovebirds sit up front, with Zoey in the passenger seat. The 3 of them are sat waiting outside of Alex's house, with the engine quietly running.

"Do you guy's think we should go in and check on them?" Zoey asks.

"Eh, I think we should wait a few."
Responds Tommy, cosily in his spot.

"You just don't want to get out of the car, you laze ass." She retorts back.

"Wha? Me? No, never!!"
He says, with a sarcastically higher tone to his voice.

"I can go in if you guys would like."
Charsley announces.

Zoey silently looks to the front door.

"..should we?"

Not allowing time for her to ponder it with them any further, Charsley's door opens.

With brown suit and ponytail gracefully bouncing in the wind, he approaches the house. Knowing full well that they would've been sat there for awhile if she continued.

Pausing before a knock, the dude contemplates the nuisance it would be for those inside. Then, steps in quietly instead.

Once to the top of the stairs, he notices the boys. They stand in Senid's doorway, holding each other in a tight hug.

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