Clings To Sanity

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"Breaker Breaker, home base, this is big mama. Do you read me? Hello? I repeat, can you hear me?"

"When can't I hear you, Milly."
Quiere responds, sitting in his bedroom alone wearing headphones over his ears.

"In fact, I think the whole world hears you."

She sticks her tongue out with pride. Nearly far enough to lick the small microphone branching off of her headset.

"So, watcha doing?"
She asks.

"A few friends and I are playing on our Minecraft world...

Would you like to join?"


The first thing she sees is an ocean of sand in the distance. But at her feet, she realizes that they stand atop a tall grassy hill. Between the between sand and green blades, a shallow river of blue flows, separating the two biomes.

"Ah, the Eastern Desert."
He informs beside her.

To their left, a mountain range taller than the clouds towers over them.

"That biome is called the Northern Mountains of Cheese. Named after the beautiful man who lives there."

To the west and southeast, a plains biome covers the ground as far as the eyes can see. In the middle of it, a square oak wood house surrounded by roses sits peacefully.

"Come with me. We'll meet him first."

Some form of music plays as they get close to the cabin. The strange lyrics contain jumbled fumbles of incorrect grammar.

"Milly, this is my online best friend. Daniel."

In front of the small wooden house, is an even smaller wooden deck. With a small wooden stair placed to look like a rocking chair.


Giggles with a southern accent blend with the music.

One hit from Quiere's sword cracks his health down, making the man take notice.

"Hey, who in tarna- oh, Quiere, it's you.
I couldn't quite hear you over this funny feller I'm watching on the youtube. His name is Jackmovies. Have you ever heard of heem?"

"Why yes. I have Dan. Constantly from your mic. Thanks."

Looking to the new world addition next to his friend, Dan is curious of her.
"Who's your new friend?"

"Milly." She responds quickly.

"Well pleasure to meet you. My username is uraDumbmfb, but you can just call me Dan. It's a lot more pleasant-like."

Quiere chimes back into the voice mix.
"Can we show her inside the house?"

"Sure sure buddy. But there ain't much to it, as you know."

Upon stepping through the oak door, there really isn't much. 2 beds of red and lime green, and some chests.

Ooo secret hole in the floor.
Milly thinks, standing over it.


Quiere snickers as the trapdoor opens by his hand, sending her soaring downward into a very fast moving abyss in the shape of a gigantic cube.

Bones break at the bottom, landing her at the lowest point in the Minecraft world. The option to Respawn appears on her screen.

"Oh yeah that. I mined all of that myself. Plenty o' monsters spawn down there for me to get resources from. But nothing beats my favorite resource of all, them blue rocks!"

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