Fufilling Sunlight. Shattering Moonlight.

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A few days have passed. Zoey texted Alex to make sure he's alright, but he hasn't texted back.

[Hey. I'm not mad at you from the other day. I try not to hold grudges. Are you okay?]

A few days later and she sent another text.

[Just checking in on you bud. Respond when you can please.]

No response again. As time goes on she feels herself getting more and more anxious. If she said the wrong things to this kid, and it led to his s... She hated thinking about it, but it was all she could think about. AHHH

She got to a stopping point, and decided to text his mom. The last message his mom sent to her was:

[Hiiii dear. This is Alex's mom, it was lovely having you over for dinner. I think Alex liked it too. Hopefully we can get together again :)]

It was a sweet text. But now the tone has changed as Zoey worries about how she may have failed this woman's son. It hurts to send, but

[Hi back. I haven't heard from Alex in a few days and was wondering how he's doing. Is he okay?]

A few hours later, she gets a response.

[Something has been bugging him lately. He's barely left his room and has been very quiet when he does. Did he say anything to you?]

(Is he feeling like this because of us talking? Or maybe he feels regret over what he did to me?)
Zoey thinks to herself.

Narrator fact. I know why, and it's a lot bigger than that 👉👉

She asks Charsley about it. First of all, he has no hard feelings towards Alex. Second, he says "Hey, maybe the kid's feelings are just jumbled and he doesn't know what to say back."

In reality, he doesn't feel like he deserves any comfort. So, he sits in his dark room looking at the wall. Regretting what he did. He can't shake the whole hearted conclusion that he deserves to die. But, that would only hurt more people, so he just sits there.
All day, very little food, and no words to anyone.

Anyway, Zoey finally responds.

[We had a bit of an argument. But I think he took it too hard. I never said anything that he didn't need to hear though. Sorry if you don't like hearing that, since you're his mom and all]

She fears the response, but it ends up being nice. Alex's mom trusts and believes her.

Mom: [Do you have any advice for me? Since you study all that.]

Zoey feels shitty for not knowing the answer.

Zoey: [I'm sorry, I don't.]

A few hours go by. On Alex's end, his mom knocks on his door, gives him food, and tells him that Zoey texted.

So then, Zoey gets a surprise one day when she gets off work, but it's not a text. Instead, Alex has left her on read. It concerns her more, but admittedly she's happy that he's okay. Physically at least.

Alex has a few more cuts on his right arm, but no one knows that besides him.

Zoey sends one more text, now that she knows that he'll see it.
Well, not before typing it out and deleting it a few times.

[I forgive you for what happened. So, between you and I, we're good! Okay? ☺]

He does open it, and another few days go by. But Zoey doesn't have time to think about all this right now, she's got to wake up early tomorrow. Oh? Why's that? Oh my, what's that cheeky little doodle on the calendar that's circled a dozen times with exclamation points? Why, would you look at that, it's a headband :P

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