Left 4 Trauma, También.

32 5 178

Tommy taps Zoey on the shoulder. After giving one last gentle pet to the head of Wheel's on her lap, she reaches behind her, and grabs the controller.

Out of the safe backdoor of the shop, tight, constricted alleyways maze around confusingly.

Getting used to the walking, Zoey bumps herself into the back of a delivery truck. Resting in it's open cargo box, a pistol, with the prompt

:Grab Second Pistol:

"Oh heyyy. Akimbo. I'm definitely using these." Zoey says.


"How do I use them?"

"Press Y"
Milly informs.

"Ah, thanks."

Their wandering in zigzags lands them at a backdoor. Alex is the first to open it, with a sinister smirk and a plan as he looks into the dark room.

"Ladies first."
He says, looking to noob Zoey.

"Milly... that's you."
She worriedly says back.

Between the both of them, Senid steps through, entering into the building.
Fairly bright red and white tiles cover the floor and walls, before they stand behind a counter.

"Oh shoot. It's a deli. If I knew that, I definitely woulda went."

As the four stand behind it, a handful of infected customers rush towards them.

"Oh shoot again!"
She calls, shooting aimlessly.
"Ah, you guys aren't helping, screw you!"

The dead climbing the counter become deader, ploping forward onto the floor at their feet.

She laughs. Tommy admires her use of his language.

Out the glass front door, a tall metal fence blocks their left side, a warehouse takes up the space in front of them, and to their right, the head of a semi-truck is against the diner's face.

"Psst. Hey, other lady, follow me."
Milly whispers.

"How do I-"


Zoey nods, following Milly to the top of the semi trailer.

Surrounding them, a large parking parking lot. Housing another semi truck across from this one. Wow the developers really liked using that one.
But the real attraction, are 4 gas pumps in front of them, with a big concrete roof propped over.

"I'll make the deli up to you. Do you see those gas pumps?"


Milly smiles loudly.
"Shoot em boi."

Zoey smiles, then two bullets fly forward at once, whizzing over the heads of the teen boys below, flying directly next to the gas pumps.

"Oh, one more try."
Zoey says, before.

"Oh dear get back!"
Alex calls to Senid-

Fire combusts spontaneously at the indent of Zoey's lead, each pump blasting one by one with orange flames, sending bits of dust and metal pillars all around, and the big metal ceiling beaming into the air; crashing it's way into the deli behind them, split in half.

Zoey laughs, spectacularly.
Giddying her feet in excitement.

The boys near the explosion, look to each other with relieved wide eyes.

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