School is Fun.

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Hi, I'm Alex. I'm a nice guy, but there might be some things about me, and what I've done, that aren't so nice. I hope that when you learn about them, you won't hate me, because I think you're nice, and really cool :)

"God, this is cringy as fuck."
Alex says to himself, crumpling up the piece of paper that he'd just written on.

He looks at the clock on the desk, leans back in his metal chair, and sighs as he hears an alarm ring downstairs.

"3, 2, 1."

His mother knocks on his door.
"Alex sweetie. Time to get ready for school."

"Okay mom."
He calls back.

He gets up and looks at his scrawny self in the mirror, wearing only black boxers, with 3 short cuts on his right forearm, and still holding the crumpled piece of paper in his hand.

"Well. Guess I better get ready for hell."

He slips on his usual pair of black pants, puts on a black t-shirt with piano keys on the front (his mom bought it, he doesn't like it), and throws his favorite black and purple-ribbed hoodie on over it.

He messes with his purple and black hair a little until it makes him look even more emo (lol), then goes out the door.

Outside, his mom sits in her minivan, waiting on him.

(I really need to get my own car.)
He thinks with a sigh, like the hormonal little shit he is, before getting in her car.

She turns the radio to a Christian country station, and drives him to school. Well, actually...

Halfway there, she pulls over.

"Hey Alex. Do you want to drive?"
She says, looking at him with excitement.

He hesitates.

"Oh come on, you're 16. You should start learning."

They're on a back road, so that makes his nerves a little weaker, but still. He's incredibly nervous.


He's in the drivers seat, shaking.

"Ah, seatbelt."
She reminds him.

He fastens his, and takes a deep breath.

(Slowly accelerate.)
He thinks to himself, gently pressing on the gas pedal.

"Haha! You're doing it, see!?"
His mom cheers.

He matches the mild speed limit.
Stops at a stop sign. And continues driving. He's doing a good job, he's proud.

As he drives along, he sees classmates walking down the sidewalk.

(I could hit them... Their lives are in my hands right now.) He thinks, crooked smile on his face as he keeps driving.

He makes it to the school, nearly driving up a curb accidentally before parking.

"See? It's not that bad. Huh?"
His mom says. She's proud of him.

He smiles, gives her a hug, and climbs out.

Around him, other teens flood into the front doors of the school. He's intimidated (like everyday), yet feeling confident today.

A girl glares at him as she walks by.

He goes into the school, and heads to class.

His first period is history, he's bored, but endures it. His favorite subject is anything to do with Science. But sometimes war and plagues are fun to learn about too.

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