The Multi-Crystaled Führer

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Let me start this off by saying:
I do not associate myself with the Nazi party, other anti-semitic groups, or Adolf Hitler himself's ideology.

But yes, this chapter will be about Hitler. Now, he is not going to be a character in this arc, but he is relevant. Plus, I thought it would be fun to take a small chapter to look into his very messed up childhood, and add my own creative twist to it.
Some of this story will be fictional (the crystals/some altered history), and other parts will be true. Mostly, it will be fiction extended from something real. If I get any history wrong, apologies, I fact checked everything but something may have slipped through. And if there is anything that's not true, let's just pretend that it's because it's a fictional universe. Boom.

Let's begin.

Oh okay okay, I want to mention. Since the existence of crystals in our world, would drastically change everything. I think it's fair to say that it could make WW2 happen at a later time/make Hitler be born later, etc. Yk, Butterfly Effect.

Let's say it happened from
1979 - 1986
40 years after it did, plus it lasted 1 year longer because crystals complicated things.

Speaking of Crystals, what kind of 1 did Hitler have? Well, you've read the title ya dummy. More than 1, in fact, 5.

Damn, that's gotta be a lot of trauma. And... well it is. Hitler had a really shitty life, and at times I feel really bad.

I'll begin with his father. Who, was his mom's cousin. Which as inbreeding does, gave him some defects, these ones, of his genitals. I imagine that it probably led to a lot of sexual frustration and insecurity. Shit, my dick is average and I'm insecure at times. Lol

But, I'm trailing off the topic.

His father to put it bluntly.
Beat him. Hard.

Because of that, his mom coddled him so much more, and his older brother even ran away. Wouldn't you? (He also had 3 siblings that died before he was born.)

I'll get to that Crystal later, and go on to the one sibling that I left out. His younger brother.

Hitler really loved his brother, but at 6 years old, the kid died. That would be tough on anyone.

(Everything I've said so far is true.)

After his death, apparently neighbors would see young Hitler sitting outside at all hours of the night, by himself.

(That's true, but here's my fiction.)

I like to imagine that Hitler wasn't really by himself, he was there talking to his little brother.
Well, maybe not talking back in forth, but Hitler would tell a joke, and when his crystal shined,
he would hear his dear brother's laugh. 💙

This crystal was blue, the color of Empathy. And it was on his heart.

That was his first crystal.

I believe this inspired a behavioral change in Hitler. Before this, he had good grades and was very social, then turned into a delinquent, and then after his loss, he LOST interest in school altogether. Everything besides art and politics that is.

So he dropped out (pretty much), hung out with his only friend, and even tried art school. Which.. everyone knows how that ended. We'll talk about it later, but for now, he formed a grey crystal on the right side of his brain, sticking out of his right temple. 🖤

This next part, is what makes me feel the worst. His mother, who was pretty much the only positive person in his life, died. He took it... yeah. Very fucking hard. This gained a grey crystal, on his spine. The main bone that holds us together. 🖤

So that's technically 3 so far.

Afterwards, he lived on the street. A broken failure. There, he made two life changing discoveries. One, jews am I right? And two, he read people, and discovered a way to truly connect with them using his own anger and passion towards lesser races.

So, after enjoying his tour in WW1, and feeling bitter after defeat, he used this new power to spread his hatred.
(This part is true ^, the only part that might be an exaggeration is him learning to "connect".)
Anyway, Hitler's 4th Crystal appeared while he was homeless and alone, but he never figured out what it did until after the first war. When he came into political power.

His ability was a red Crystal on his right palm, and when he'd salute to a crowd, they would all be filled with the same intense hatred that Hitler had. ♥️

Eventually, Hitler became Chancellor of Germany. Second, to President Hindenburg. Until however, (this part is real) Hindenburg conveniently passed away. Which, made Hitler a Dictator. (Finally) He thought.

Pretty damn sketchy to me irl. So in this world, I like to imagine that he disposed of him. How? Using a formerly repressed crystal. His mother's.

Since his mother meant so much to him, and her sudden disappearance changed Hitler so drastically, I imagine that maybe he figured out a way to do this in a way that helped him. The grey crystal on his spine turned Green, and suddenly, anybody that he was in Hitler's way, could suddenly disappear, helping him drastically change his status in the world. 💚

Lastly, on one horrific night. Hitler gained his strongest Crystal. The one gained from his father.

The Night of the Long Knives was a night where he rounded up 200+ men and their families, all of whom meant something personal to him, then slaughtered them using his new ability.

Only that last part is fiction.
So will (only) the crystal part of this be. vvv

Hitler's father, finally died to a lung hemorrhage. This is important because well, when people think of WW2, Gas comes up. But I wanted to be less disrespectful than to have his ability be gas related. And instead, anyone that he wanted dead, within 100 meters of him, would develope a very painful lung hemorrhage. Their skin would discolor, and they would begin coughing gallons of blood until.. death. In one use of his Crystal, he killed 200 people that night. ♥️

Oh, and where was it? Well, let's just say it replaced Hitler's most iconic feature.

After years of using these 3 abilities (his brother doesn't count) to terrify the world, he still dug himself into the same mistake that he did in our world.
Underestimating The United States and The Soviet Union.
The 2 Superpowers, who brought down a God.

He was a megalomaniac in our world, so imagine him having these overpowered abilities? He truly did think of himself as a God.

But, once that all crumbled before him, his last crystal gained color. His repressed art school crystal, turned yellow as he realized how much of a failure that he turned out to be. Despite the years of trying to prove otherwise to himself.

Finally, in his underground bunker, he used his new crystal to magically create a Walther PPK, and- 💛


Blood poured out of his right temple as he lay on the ground.
His crystal was shattered. Everything that he created, was gone.

But the tale of Hitler doesn't stop at his death, for he forever changed the world moving on.

To Be Continued...

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