Kids Are Not Good People

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The front door shuts behind Alex, hiding the sunset outside. He hastily stomps his way upstairs, only to encounter Senid at the top.

"Hi Alex, how did the date go?"

The teen's response is non existent, as he brushes by and enters his bedroom.

He isn't entirely cold though, the silence is broken by simply looking to his brother, and saying
"I'm not really in the mood to talk about it right now."

Senid nods with a smile as the door shuts in front of him.

Looking to the seahorse puppet on his left arm, he frowns. (Aw, we were rooting for them, huh buddy?)

*Sad seahorse noises*

In his black walled, messy room, Alex looks at himself in the mirror.

Around his neck, a purple and light blue chain is wrapped multiple times. Not aggressively though, more so like a scarf. And unlike any chain in the past, this one is warm. Alex looks closely into the chains, admiring the details. In between the metal links sit a lot of warm, tiny branches, linking the side of the chains together. Mirroring a double helix.

These branches, were created through multiple months of confidence boosting sessions that Senid and him had together.

The boy would tell Alex to look in the mirror, and say everything that he liked about himself out loud. Instead of his usual self-negativity. And.. wow, it worked wonders. It got easier to smile every morning, as the chains started forming the warm branches with every new compliment. Eventually, as Alex got more comfortable with himself, he noticed that other people were more comfortable with him too. Which, only added to the self confidence. Alex's cold, insecure chains were gone. And as he looked in the mirror today, he spoke a only few words.

"I don't need Milly, to love myself."

And then later on, after sitting alone for as long as he needed, he invited Senid in for a nice night together.


"Ah! What's happening!"
A small voice calls out in the middle of the night.

"Oh, It's me."

Curious Miny Milly looks around, it's her room.

(Miss must've been in control last.)
She thinks, looking to the orange beanie lying on the light grey fluffy floor next to the bed.

(But why doesn't she like wearing it?)

A shock cracks through her mind, flickering a dark blue flash out of her forehead as a voice is quickly heard.
(Because It hides who we are...)

(Ow, ow, ow!)

The pain passes fast, but a faint headache still remains.

"I didn't need an answer Missy!"
She yells out, her sassy feet landing the floor below as she slips the beanie on.

Miny Milly (Intentional spelling) looks out the window, before looking to the kitty themed alarm clock that displays the numbers 2:37am.

"Ooooo. Way past my bedtime, and I'm not even tired! What do I do first? Hm.."

"Oh, right!"

She quickly tosses the fuzzy rainbow blanket and lengthy pillow around on the white sheeted bed, until

She shouts, jumping to catch her phone in mid air, then landing face down on the bed. Blanket covered giggles soon follow.

Under covers, Lil Milly clicks the power button on their phone.

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