Ground-Breaking Grandpa 💚😎🖤(Finale)

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Younger Ein stands on the battlefield. As his bullet rips through an enemies neck, screams of his best friend are heard behind him. But this time when he turns around, it's not Bright. Instead, Senid is being pressed against a tree, a bayonet slices into his heart from a black silhouette.

He barely gets out, too much blood slowly fills his mouth.

His hand reaches to Ein, but doesn't make it far.


Dark red blood and intestines pour out of Senid as the bayonet rips downward through his abdomen. He falls forward, gently pressing his head against the silhouetted man. Ein watches Senid's eyes fade away as his life slips out of him.

The silhouette smiles as he looks to Ein.


Ein falls back, and silently, the earth begins to shatter.

Back in reality, Senid flies above a car as it crashes into a wall. The wall, was once part of the road that it was driving on. Senid quickly uses his ability to land on the raised edge. His legs barely catch him, and he rolls along the ground in pain. He did just get hit by a car after all.

Ahead of him, Ein lies on the ground, screaming, while at the same time, not being there. (Mentally)

The ground shifts, and crumbling stair-like chunks of pavement rise quickly. Senid runs up them as fast as he can. If he doesn't, he'd get stuck in a pit.

As the ground around him rises, the chunk Ein is on also does. He's made it to the top, everything is fairly flat.


The streetlight in front of Senid falls into a crevice as the ground splits in two, dividing the land that Ein and him shared a second ago. This is no problem for him though!

Senid steps back, then runs towards the growing gap. He jumps! As he builds momentum in the air, he uses it, continuously burning the fuel until making it to the other side. His grandpa is right in front of him.

Running to Ein, then getting down on his knees next to him, Senid begins to sing gently.

"Hush broken warrior, don't you scream.
All your scary thoughts are just a dream."

The ground beneath Ein cracks into hundreds of pieces, but Senid desperately continues.

"I'm sorry that you had to watch your friends die,
but Senid's here to si-"

The old man begins to sink into the ground as it breaks apart more.

Senid grabs his hand, and continues singing.

"I'm- I'm here to sing you a lullaby."

He sniffles.

Everything around him is falling apart. He knows that this won't work, and it's too late.

(I'm not giving up!)

(I'm not!)

The ground around them rises, as the island they're on sinks. Old pieces of pavement and tree roots stick out of the hardened dirt walls that are closing them in.

"I love you very much as you can see.
Now ly down your head and fall to... Sleep."

As the song ends, the ground finally caves. They both fall into the dark abyss below them.

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