Left 4 Trauma, Too.

37 5 113

After a close call with undead teeth and Senid barbecuing, they all stand in the room together, as the screen becomes blurry, and all their health is displayed.

Louis (Alex): 💚95💚
Francis (Milly): 💚73💚
Bill (Senid): 💛25💛
Zoey (Tommy) ♥️6♥️

The screen becomes clear once again, and they all look around the room.

Milly stacks up on molotovs.
Tommy and Senid heal with "Med-Clits" as Milly calls them. Zoey chuckles at it.
And Alex looks to the rustic stone tile walls, aged to show a hint of yellow. On their surface, desperate and last words are written from travelers that had been there before. Mentions of safe zones are scratched out, presumably by another person who knows that they're not safe anymore. Some writings, even drawn in blood.

Senid joins Alex's observations. Milly happily watches it, seeing them appreciate the world that she brought them to.

Tommy stands at the opposite side of the room from where they entered, where a similar red door exits the room. He's the first to open it.

Right outside the door, a sense of balcony is formed by the stone floor, as it collapses into dirt below soon after, leaving only a small ledge before the mild drop. The 'dirt basement' leads into a hallway of the underground subway station.

Tommy takes out a few infected in the damaged room, cheekily shutting the door as they get close as he chuckles to himself.

"Hey, Mighty Milly, what if we just run ahead to the next safe room?"
He asks.

This piques Senid's curiosity.

Images of helicopters crashing, flamethrowers torching trees, and camo painted soldiers jumping out all play out behind Milly's eyes, as she stares blankly in response to the question.

"No, whatever you do.. don't run out there alone... The infected, they don't know mercy. Only destruction..."

With that, Tommy jumps out the door, with little Senid firing his machine gun close behind him.

(Oh no... I'd better go too.)
Alex thinks, following hesitantly.

Along the hallway, infected drop to the ground. At the end, the hallway turns left down 2 flights of escalators.

Milly shuts herself in the safe room, as the boys rain bullets into the dead below.

At the bottom, metal detectors cover their right, with some infected on the other side. They're no problem though.

To their left, a big stone wall separating two large staircases leading up again.

Senid takes out the metal deadtectors, as the other two ascend, splitting up.

At the top, a crashed metro clogs a railway in the middle of Tommy and Alex, as they stand on opposite waiting decks.

Flashlights click on as they both enter onto the dark tracks together.

Alex says in a soft tone, as the track splits in two.

One way, blocked off by the surface caving in, crushing a metro car under the fallen cement road above.

As Alex stops to admire it, Tommy continues alone in the other tunnel.

"See, this shit is easy."

As soon as he speaks, a familiar cough is heard from the shadows.

As Alex turns away from the damaged scenery, the jingle of a piano keys ring in his ears.

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