33| Boxed Wine

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Thursday evening, Luca comes to my dorm and tells me he wants us to take a walk on the beach.

I'm still in my clothes that I wore to school today. A white matching tank top and skirt.

The November air is chilly but still manageable, but as we get closer to the shore, the air gets chillier.

When a stinger gust of wind blows by and it makes me shiver a little, Luca takes off his hoodie and gives it to me. He still has a shirt underneath.

"Thank you." He stops and stands in front of me, and he tugs at the strings in the capuchon so the opening isn't so wide and the soft fabric covers my neck completely.

He gives me a quick peck. "No problem."

It's the little things that make me love him so much. He took off his hoodie without hesitation. And yesterday he made pizza, basically from scratch, just because I wanted to eat it.

We reach the little cave at the end of the beach. Luca has brought some snacks in his backpack. He sets the towel and puts the chips, nuts, candy and more stuff, besides us.

"Is this like a date?" I ask, smiling.


He pulls out boxed wine and two plastic cups.

"You even brought wine?" I inch close to him and circle my arms around his waist and rest my head on his shoulder.

"It's not the best wine. But it'll do."

"It's perfect. Not just the wine." The urge to say I love you is strong. And it's actually the most romantic place to say it.

"What are you doing on thanksgiving?"

My mom always invites Ben's football team a day before thanksgiving. On thanksgiving day itself, we celebrate with just us three.

I tell Luca that and he nods.

"What do you do on thanksgiving?"

"We don't really do thanksgiving." I gasp and he chuckles. "It's an American holiday. We get together with family, but we celebrate in a different way, I guess."

He pours wine in the two plastic cups, then hands me one.

"You can celebrate it with me." I lift the cup to my lips and take a sip. Like Luca said, it's not the best. But also not the worst.

He leans back on one hand, the other still holding his wine. I rest my legs on his stretched ones and lean back on my arm.

"With the whole team?"

I nod. "Yes, but also on thanksgiving day. With my mom, Ben, and I. Benny is bringing Victoria."

He leans forward and puts his hand on my upper thigh. His simple touch sends a tingle through my body.

"I'd love to." He gives my cheek a quick peck.

"You can bring Leo, too. We literally have a party. So the more the merrier."

His head shakes. "Leo isn't much of a big crowd type."

After we drink up most of the wine and the wind starts getting stronger, we decide to go back to our dorms. He puts everything back in his backpack, then we start walking, hands interlocked.

Even though I'm wearing his hoodie, with my legs being completely bare, I'm still getting shivers every time a gust of wind blows.

"I should've brought a blanket." He shakes his head at himself.

"No, it's fine." It wasn't really fine. We still had around ten minutes left to walk.

"Should I take off my pants too?" He teases.

I stop and pretend to unbutton his pants.

"You're insane." He laughs.

"You want to know a way that'll warm me up?" I circle my hands around his torso and start taking small steps backwards, taking him with me.



He lets out a bellowed laugh, tipping his head back. My smile widens.

"Oh God, I love you so much."

That makes me stop in my tracks.

I love you so much.

He looks down at me with tender soft eyes, and his hands form my face. "Isabella, I'm in love with you."

My heart feels full at his declaration. I can't pinpoint an exact moment where I knew I loved Luca. It just happened. But I'm so happy that it did.

I always thought love was a bad thing and that I should stay as far away from it as possible. Turns out it's the best feeling in the world.

It makes you feel as light as if you're floating in water. It makes you feel as is you're resting on a cloud. Love feels like eating a popsicle on a boiling hot day. Love feels like you're sitting on a rollercoaster because there are constant butterflies in your tummy.

Luca is the first guy ever to see me. Not just my body. He wanted to get to know me and not just sleep with me.

I never thought I could fall in love and have a love story like in the movies and books. I always thought the romantic love stories written in the books my mom made me read were too unrealistic. But my relationship with Luca feels like it came straight from a best-selling romantic book.

I never even doubted that Luca loved me. My mind just never made me believe it was this kind it love and more like a friendship love. It was the safer option.

Luca is still looking at me with so much love in his eyes, his fingers caressing my cheeks.

"Luca," I whisper. "I love you. So much."

He slowly dips his head down until his lips meet mine and he kisses me in a raw manner. I could feel all his emotions in this one kiss. It is as if time stood still and only Luca and I existed in the world.

One of his hands curls to the nape of my neck and he angles my head more upward. The other hand sneaks around my waist.

If I was feeling cold earlier, now I'm feeling scorching hot.

He pulls away, but his lips are still almost touching me. We breathe the same air for what feels like minutes, but in reality is only seconds before he connects our lips again.

If an asteroid came and ended humanity right this second, I would die happy. Because I was in Luca's arms.

I pull back, feeling out of breath.

"I love you." My eyes suddenly prick. I chuckle and wipe under my eyes.

He suddenly picks me up and starts spinning me around. A soft squeal leaves my lips.

I'm so happy right now.

When he puts me back down, he kisses me again. This time with more tongue.

"It feels so good to finally say it."

"How long have you been wanting to say it?" I ask, curious to know his answer.

He purses his lips, thinking. "Hmm, probably since the first time I saw. When Alex introduced us."

My eyes roll and I pinch him lightly on the chest.


He mock gasps. "Me? Lying to you? Never."


And then I connect our lips back together.


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