13| Private Tour

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Luca told me to meet him in the parking lot of the campus.

It's 7:04 p.m. and I look at my self in the mirror, wondering if what I'm wearing is good. He said to dress casually, but casually for me means sweatpants and an oversized hoodie. I only know how to dress up.

My top that I made myself has spaghetti straps and it has fabric layers in a fluffy way around my breasts. It's like a cute little bralette. But more conservative and doesn't show any nipples. To make my outfit more 'casual' I'm wearing light jean shorts. I've also put on some gold accessories.

A girl needs her accessories.

When I reach the parking garage, I go to pull out my phone to send him a text when I see a car I recognize. It's the same black Mustang he had when we went to that French restaurant. He's leaning on the passenger side door. Ankles crossed and arms in the front pockets of his jeans.

His dark maroon dress shirt with short sleeves is loose on his body and is tucked into his pants. The upper three buttons are left open exposing his neck and his upper pecs. I can see a gold chain exposed.

A pair of black sunglasses rest on his nose. He takes them off and tucks them on the neckline of his shirt when he notices me approaching. His eyes scan my body, they linger on my exposed stomach and legs.

I smirk.

He opens the door for me after giving me a quick peck on the cheek. I thank him and enter the car. The leather seat is cold under my exposes thighs. It smells like car refresher, the inside is clean and the interior is like any typical classic old car.

He enters the car and twist the keys, igniting it on. He puts his hand on the back of my headrest, turn in his seat so he can look through the back window, and pulls out of the parking space.

He looks so hot in this position!

Now I'm imagining him in other positions. More specifically, positions in bed.

We ride in silence for a while, it doesn't feel weird. He's drumming his thumb on the big and thin steering wheel, his right hand on the shifting gear.

I inconspicuously pull out my old polaroid camera that I forgot to leave home and take a picture of his profile side.

His head whips to me at the click sound of the camera. He cocks his eyebrow at me but a smile is slowly creeping onto his pretty face.

"What are you doing?'' He asks amusingly

"Nothing.'' I put the polaroid that came out face down on my thigh and position the camera to take another closer picture of him. He notices and turns to face me. Just before I click, he sticks his tongue out. I laugh at him.

"how do I look in them?'' I turn over the first picture and look at it. He looks like badass. A hot badass.

''Hot" the word slips my lips before I can stop myself.

He hums and chuckles softly, "hot, huh?"

"Mhmm" I nod. No need to deny what he practically already know.

I look at the other picture and laugh. The two pictures are pretty contradicting. In the first one he looks like a tough badboy while in the second one, he looks like a little boy with his tongue out.

We stop at a stop sign and I show him the two polaroids. He chuckles and smiles at me, giving me a wink.

"How far is this restaurant?'' I ask when the car starts moving again.

''Around twenty more minutes''

After about thirty minutes, the car starts to slow down and I look outside the window to see the building.

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