34| Kitchen Island

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Friday morning I get ready to attend my only lecture for the day. The entire duration of the lecture—long ninety minutes—I've been eager to finally have my little get-away with Luca.

After saying I love you to each other yesterday, it feels more like a honeymoon.

I told my mom, and she agrees with me.

Luca has only two lectures but they're not mandatory so he's skipping them. I told him we can just leave on Saturday, but he wanted three days instead of just two.

He'll be waiting on me next to his car with my little to-go bag. I'd already packed it after our date yesterday. He was supposed to go back to his own dorm room, but we both felt reluctant to leave each other, so he slept in my room.

As soon as my prof wishes us a good weekend, I'm out of the hall. I'm taking big steps to reach Luca faster. I feel so giddy it's kind of ridiculous.

Luca is leaning on the passenger door looking handsome as ever in a blue hoodie and jeans. He opens the door, but I don't get in. Instead, I wrap my hands around his neck and kiss him.

After we break apart, he hums like he ate the most delicious cake in the world.

"Hey, mi amour."

My heart melts at the combination of him talking to me in Italian and calling me my love.

"That sounds hot. Tell me something else."

He leans down and whispers in my ear, "sonno pazza di te." I'm crazy about you

I have no idea what that means, but I'm imaging it as something sexy.

We get in the car and he starts driving. His house is around twenty minutes away.

There was slight traffic, but not too bad.

Eventually we reach a gate. Like the ones you see in a gated community. The man behind the little office thingy greets Luca and lets us in. I look outside the window and see that the houses are all mansions. Luca keeps driving until we reach the end of the driveway. The house at the back, behind a gate, looks close to a castle. Luca puts in a code and the gate opens.

Luca never mentioned that his house was this big.

There's a fountain at the center, but it's not on. The entrance to the mansion is long and wide, and on either side there's a big as fuck pillar. It's symmetrical and looks classical with a hint of modern elements to it.

"Luca..." I'm speechless.

I'm still looking outside the window when my door opens. Luca crouches down to be eye level with me. "Yes?"

"Why didn't you tell me this is where you live?" I look down at my clothes. Black leggings with his sweater that I wore at the beach. "I feel underdressed."

Of course, what I'm wearing is the first thing that worries me.

He chuckles and makes a slow show of checking me out. "You look perfect. Besides, there's no one there. Not even the household staff."

That eases me a bit.

Luca stands back up and stretches out his hand for me. I take it and get out of the car.

"I'll get the bags later." He says when I'm about to open the back door to grab our bags.

Inside, the high ceilings make the interior look even bigger. The living room is massive and so is the kitchen. The island there could literally be a small studio apartment. And I wouldn't mind living there. The marble looks so intricate.

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