20| Photo Booth

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"Oh my God!"  

I'm squirming and wiggling excitedly in my seat.

I haven't been here since I was a kid, I think. People are all walking to the entrance, kids, teenagers and even some elderly people. There is music playing and the lights are fun and colorful.

After getting out of the car, I tug at Luca's hand and drag him with me to get our tickets. He chuckles but squeezes my hand. "I knew you'd like coming here."

"Yes. Last time I was here I was probably twelve or something." I grin.

Surprisingly there aren't many people at the queue. So we only waited five minutes to buy our tickets.

"Two tickets please." Luca says to the boy sitting behind the glass. His voice making my mind run wild with all the dirty thoughts. I shake my head to clear those thoughts. Now's not the time!

"Here you go. Have fun." He hands him two arm bands to put on our wrist so we don't lose them. We thank him after Luca insisted on paying and walk around searching for the first thing to do in this fun fair.

We see a game where you use water guns to make the stack of cans fall. There is a vacant booth and we go to it. The old man gives us the guns and tells us we only have two minutes to make as many cans fall as possible.

"Ready to lose?" I say. He shakes his head, puts on a focused expression and points his gun toward the cans. I do the same and when the little buzzer sounds we start shooting.

These water guns don't work for shit. The water that's coming out is not even reaching anywhere near the cans. I just keep on trying to make at least the top one fall, but it's useless. The buzzer goes off, I look to his stack and see he also wasn't able to drop any of them. We look back at each other and roll our eyes at this rigged game. We thank the old man and start walking around.

"I guess we both lost." He says.

"Yeah. I think we better stick to games where we are the ones throwing things. We at least know we have a fair chance." He nods agreeing with me. We walk around a little more, searching for a game to play. All while our fingers are interlocked.

It seems so easy being with him. Our hands just automatically search for the other's. He also kept his hand on my thigh while we were riding in his car on the way here. It's as if there was a barrier between us and it broke after we slept together.

"I think we should try this." I look to where he's pointing with his finger. It's one of those box bags where you punch it and the highest score wins. I smile, happy that he chose this. Mason has been busy with his boyfriend so I always ask Luca to come with me to the gym to do some boxing.

He would always take his shirt off after ten minutes, saying he's sweating too much to be wearing a shirt. I would try and not let his bare chest distract me. But it's impossible.

There are currently two guys already punching the bag, so we stand back a little and wait for them to finish. When they finish I motion for him to go first. He clenches and unclench his hand a couple of times in front of his chest. Glances at me, and the smirk is evident on his lips, then-


It is obvious he's punching skills are good, you'd think he's a professional boxer. The numbers on the score board almost reach a thousand. Damn. He turns around with a smug look. "Try to beat that."

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