10| Tickles

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"Which one should I wear?"

Sara holds two bikini bottoms. Both blue, which compliment her fair skin tone perfectly and make her blue eyes pop even more. One is a regular cut, and the other is practically a thong.

"This one," I point to the cheeky one. She beams at my choice.

We live in Miami where it's hot all year round. People wear almost nothing to the beach. I'm surprised she even owns the other one.

She walks further into my room and goes to my closet. She searches through my swimwear. I see her grin in the mirror's reflection and it gets bigger when she turns around to show me what she picked for me.

She's holding my tanning bikini. It should not be even called a bikini bottom. It's two tiny triangles at the front and back with two thin strings tying them together.

"This would barely cover anything." I roll my eyes at her.

"Then why do you own it?" She cocks an eyebrow. I own it because it makes my butt look great. But this one is only meant to be worn in private pools and while tanning.

She turns back around, not bothering hearing my answer. She grabs the matching bra from the drawer and throws them at me.

"Put them on." She orders and walks out of my room. Leaving no place for argument. Bossy Sara doesn't come around very often, but when it does, I fear arguing with her.

Ten minutes later, we are walking on the warm sand. The sun feels like it's boiling my skin. I just want to get under the water already.

This beach we always go to is smaller and more secluded. Only locals know about it and currently there aren't many people here since it's Monday and in the middle of the day.

I catch Sara waving beside me, and I raise my eyebrows at her.

"They're already here," she walks faster, smiling.


"My boo and Luca." She calls behind her back.

I frown. She didn't mention they were coming. I don't mind, I just thought it would be the two of us.

Sara runs the last steps and Alex catches her when she jumps at him. I chuckle. He puts her down, and she comes up to Luca and gives him a tight hug. Alex kisses my cheeks, then he lays out Sara's towel for her on the sand.

I face Luca and I don't really know how I should greet him. He and Sara have gotten close, and they always kiss and hug when they see each other. With me, it's more complicated.

He decides for me when he steps forward and hugs me. His earthy scent gives me flashbacks to the last time we were this close. Luca always smells nice, though. He has this masculine scent that seems to always cling to him. You can even smell it when he walks past you or before a workout.

Sara has already taken her dress off and is running away from Alex while laughing. So it's just Luca and I alone. Just like the first time we met.

After setting my towel on the sand, I take off my shirt. I can tell Luca is watching under his sunglasses because his jaw is clenched slightly and his face is turned slightly towards me when it should face straight ahead.

I make a show of shimmying out of my shorts, moving my hips extra to the sides. He picks up his backpack, puts it on his lap and starts pretending to search for something in it.

I mentally thank Sara for picking this bikini.

Sitting down on my towel, I pick up my sunscreen bottle and squeeze a healthy amount on my palm. I smear it on my neck then I dip my hands lower, my fingers going inside my bra. Luca coughs in his fist.

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