21| A Tease

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We enter my dorm room stumbling and clinging to each other. I start tugging and lifting the hem of his shirt.


I pull my lips away from Luca's and look to the source of the sound. Sara is sitting on the stool with her laptop on the island. Alex is behind her, making something I'm not too interested in finding out what it is.

"Oh, hey there. Didn't know you were here." I press my back to Luca's front. When I feel his erection, I press my butt further back.

"I didn't know you would be having company." She smirks. Luca's fingers on my hip dig even harder to stop me from pressing myself further into his erection.

"We'll just be in my room." I say and when I go to remove my self from him, he holds me down. I feel his hot breath tickle the shell of my ear. I'm sure my hardened nipples are on full display through the thin material of my shirt.

"I want to hear you scream out my name. Let's go to mine." His low, deep and seductive voice makes me clench my thighs so hard together and I have to suppress a whimper. I look over at Sara and she cocks an eyebrow.

"Actually, we'll just leave you two alone. Have fun!" I call out and open the door and get out, still clinging to Luca's body.

"I'm sure everyone will be able to tell I'm hard." He puts his hands in his front pockets and press his pants away from his legs. It still doesn't cover his huge bulge.

I press my body to his and apply some pressure with my upper thigh. He groans and tries to get away from me but I wrap my hands around his waist.

"God! You do love to torture me."

"Mhmm." I nod, biting my lower lip.

"You'll regret that in a bit." He says in a low voice. I want to tease him further to know what he'll do to me. But I can tell he's really struggling, so I pull away.

"Let's go."

When he finally gets the door to his dorm open. He lets go of my hand, walks to the fridge, pulls out a water bottle and starts drinking from it like in a pace like a fucking sloth.

I put my purse on the hanger near the door and walk to him. I put my palms on his chest. His heartbeat is steady, unlike mine. I drag them upwards and wrap them around his neck. He takes the last sip from the bottle and puts it on the counter behind him. I stretch my neck up to his lips. He dips his head down and our lips connect. When I push my tongue against his lips he doesn't grant me access.

Oh I see how this is!

I keep on kissing him slowly. My fingernails scratching the nape of his neck. I moan into the kiss, but he still doesn't deepen the kiss or grab my ass. He keeps his hands on my hips.

I break my lips away and start walking to his bedroom. "I'm gonna use your bathroom."

I don't wait for and answer, I open his bedroom door and go to his bathroom. I take a look in the mirror, my hair is not as neat as in the beginning of the day. Whatever. I puff it a little. I get out of the bathroom just when he comes in the bedroom. He starts rummaging through the scattered paper on his desk, his back muscles flexing with the movement.

I go to him and circle my arms around him from behind. He rakes his hand through his curls and sighs.

"I'm pretty tired. Aren't you tired?" He asks. I just shrug. My hands are inches away from his crotch. I barely touch him there before pulling away.

"Hmm, well let's go to bed then." I pull my shirt above my head, revealing my bare chest. He still hasn't turned to face me.

He's teasing me but guess what? Two can play this damn game.

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