18| Tell Me

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After a really difficult Uber ride, filled with touches, glances and teasing kisses, the old driver drops us off at our destination.

Luca gets out of the car and holds out his hand for me. He all but yanks me out of the car and starts walking in a quick pace.

"Slow down," I laugh. "I'm wearing heels. I can't walk that fast."

"Fucking hell, Bella. Couldn't you take them off in the car?" He huffs and I'm suddenly lifted off the ground, bridal style. I wrap my arms around his neck and nuzzle his neck to muffle the sound of my laughs from echoing in the empty night.

"You always laugh in these situations." His cheeks twitch and I know he's trying not to smile.

"Are you always this impatient?"

"When it comes to you, yes." I stop laughing and turn his face to connect our lips. His strides slow down to probably prevent us from walking into a wall.

"Now I'm even more impatient." He says and I start bouncing up and down in his arms a little when he starts to walk even faster than before, almost jogging.

"Get your damn keys ready." I open my purse and fish out my keys. Now I'm the one growing impatient. I start leaving a trail of kisses from his jaw to the side of neck, when I reach the pulse at the hallow of his throat and nip with my teeth, he makes the most sexiest sound and I feel my self getting wetter.

He gently puts me back in the ground but keeps his arm around my waist, not wanting to let go. I put my chip near the scanner and the main door opens up. He ushers me inside and pushes me against the wall in the main hall.

"Luc-mmm." His lips leave my jaw and smash back with my lips. I have to physically push him off me.

"We still have to get in my dorm." I'm panting from his attack on my lips.

He takes my hand and I, again, struggle to keep up with him. I tug a little on his arm and he slow down. In front of my door he pushes his front against my back. I grind my ass into his erection.

"Open the door, Bella." His demanding voice tells me, in contrast to his soft lips trailing sweet butterfly kisses along my neck. It makes me fumble with the keys and he groans impatiently, making me giggle.

When I finally get the key in the slot and twist the door open, he pushes it with his hand and walks me inside. He turns my body to his front and presses me against the door til it shuts.

I drop my purse on the floor, cup his jaw and attach his lips to mine. My lips part when I feel his tongue thrust against them. My fingers start working on the buttons of his shirt, gad that he always has the top three already undone. I peel it off of him to the floor and break away from the kiss to look at his impressive chest and run my fingers along the ridges of his muscles. 

He begins working on the button and zipper of his pants, my eyes trained on his movements. He toes his shoes off and slides his pants down hurriedly. His grey Calvin Klein leave nothing to the imagination, they are tight around his impressive bulge. I bite my lips and look at him through my lashes. He cups my face and kisses me strong and hard.

Our kiss grows more frantic. This is finally happening. Sara and Alex know we left together so they'll sleep in Alex's dorm, which means there will be no interrupting. No one walking in on us. No one calling. We've both only had one drink so we won't stop because we're too drunk.

His hands squeeze my behind and he lifts me off the ground. My legs wrap around him and my dress rides up, exposing my panties.

"Luca..." I whimper. My lips are beginning to feel sore from how hard he's kissing me, like a starved man.

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